The female, not the male, determines all the conditions of the animal family.


PREMO Member

The female, not the male, determines all the conditions of the animal family. Where the female can derive no benefit from association with the male, no such association takes place.

There are a few corollaries I would add:

1. Past benefit provided by the male does not provide for continued or future association.

  • Any agreement where the male provides a current benefit in return for a promise of future association is null and void as soon as the male has provided the benefit (see corollary 1)
  • A promise of future benefit has limited influence on current/future association, with the influence inversely proportionate to the length of time until the benefit will be given and directly proportionate to the degree to which the female trusts the male (which is not bloody likely).


A bit of recent data that supports this proposition comes from a recent study done in the UK. The findings were that for a period from the early 1990’s to the early 2000’s, 90% of UK women practiced hypergamy. Hypergamy is a 15 cent (about 7 pence in GBPs) word for marrying up. The hypothesis in the study was; do women exhibit hypergamy, or not. You start with assuming not, and then disprove that. If they do not, then roughly 50% would marry up and 50% would marry down. During the period of the study 90% of UK women married men that made more money than they did, or had greater wealth. The 90% marrying up rate provides ample evidence that the women exhibit hypergamy behavior. These were not poor daughters of Isaan rice farmers. This was not a developing country. This behavior could be observed anywhere in the world and at any time in history.

Before discovering Briffault’s Law, I came to a similar independent, although not so well or concisely stated, conclusion. A few years ago, while arguing with my six sisters about my intentions to marry a Filipina half my age (marriage number 4 so I am a slow learner), they argued that she was just marrying me to get a better life. After a few seconds of reflection I retorted that this was true for every woman in the world marrying any man. This left them with no response. After all, who among us ever marries to have a worse life? We all hope that it will be an improvement. With women it is doubly so, since they have no intention of actually working to improve their lives.


Found in the Reddit Group "The Red Pill'

Phase 2: Women's pluralistic and mercenary approach to relationships.

Briffault's Law

This thread delves deeper into Briffault's Law, a core concept, and some corollaries that describe how women do not express loyalty to beta men for provisioning and protection previously provided by the male.

On Value and the Value of Women

The value men and women bring to the table is different, an artifact of how our sexual strategies differ. Women's value is from being whereas men's value is from doing. For a woman to have sex, she just has to show up and men will throw themselves at her. For a man, he has to dance to her tune and be high status and this and that and the other. Men seek sex from women, not the other way around. Instead women screen for which man she'll have sex with of the myriad of men seeking to have sex with her.

Hypergamy 101: Women view men how men see jobs
Hypergamy 102: Her Perception and Context Means Everything
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
With women it is doubly so, since they have no intention of actually working to improve their lives.

Yeah, since he's been married four times, forgive me if I don't consider him the expert.

Men seek sex from women, not the other way around. Instead women screen for which man she'll have sex with of the myriad of men seeking to have sex with her.

That's what you get for being horndogs. Don't like it, you can always go queer.

Some of the other suppositions are just sexist bull####. Men are typically threatened by a woman who is more educated and has a better career, so he doesn't express an interest in her or rebuffs her interest.

I'ma file this one under the same rock I stowed the meanderings of womyn who insist that all hetero sex is rape and Ariana Grande being sickened that some young guy would *gasp* sexually objectify her. Oh, and that crazy person who wants to lure girls into the sciences by putting posters of trees and kittens on the walls.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
If this were 100% true then how would you explain all the layabout guys that father dozens of children that they can't financially support? If guys without jobs didn't get laid on a regular basis, the male unemployment figure would be ZERO. I think just the opposite is in effect. Guys with idle time on their hands have plenty of opportunity while the dude working overtime is just to tired to go out and have fun.


PREMO Member
I'ma file this one under the same rock I stowed the meanderings of womyn who insist that all hetero sex is rape and Ariana Grande being sickened that some young guy would *gasp* sexually objectify her. Oh, and that crazy person who wants to lure girls into the sciences by putting posters of trees and kittens on the walls.

Indeed .....

I expected more ranting [not from you but in general]

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I love stuff like this;

"We can't know what women are thinking..."

"Now, listen as I explain what women are thinking..."


It's like Obama when he said:

"I don't know all the facts...."


"...but I know the police acted stupidly..."

You can't claim to KNOW the police acted stupidly when you don't know all, or at least the major, facts.
You can't tell me "We can't know what women are thinking and here's what they're thinking..." and expect me to not want to buy you a beer so I can be fascinated by how ####ed up, and, seemingly, oblivious, you really are.

Furthermore, this piece, because it's so poorly written, leaves an enormous barn door wide open as to what it even begins to mean in terms of 'benefits derived'. Obviously, it takes no more than 30 seconds to think of plenty of examples of women sticking by some POS who, by most standards, provides her with nothing but misery and even physical abuse and existential threat to her and her, supposedly, primarily important kids. Hell, I know a bunch of women who are MISERABLE and stay with a perfectly nice, VERY well off guy guy. You can say they stay for the 'derived benefit' but only if you view money as more important than being happy. So, there's that, what it even means, these benefits.

I mean, this is a dumb piece. It just is.


Well-Known Member
Men are typically threatened by a woman who is more educated and has a better career, so he doesn't express an interest in her or rebuffs her interest.

I'm filing this also under bull####, but it's something a lot of women seem to think. It's similar to the "Don't hate me 'cuz I'm beautiful" stuff. Most of the men I know who are married to smart women are supremely proud of it. I have to think I AM a little intimidated by a woman who is *STRONGER* than I am - or perhaps more mechanically inclined or knows more "guy stuff" than I do - but I am not at all intimidated by women who are intelligent, nor do most of the men I know.

I did once - briefly - date a woman who had a PhD in neurobiology. And another one who had an IQ that was just clearly off the charts. The thing they had in common more than anything was, they were both insufferable know it alls who had no regard for any opinion that wasn't theirs - because theirs were "always right". (Actual quote when challenged if they thought they were always right "Of course I am - why would I believe something that was wrong?"). They both seriously lacked good social skills, and weren't fazed by that fact when pointed out - why waste time with people not as smart as them?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'm filing this also under bull####, but it's something a lot of women seem to think. It's similar to the "Don't hate me 'cuz I'm beautiful" stuff.

I am only repeating what guy friends have told me about women they've rejected. "Too rich for my blood." "Outta my league." "I'm sure she already has a guy." "If a woman like that is single, she's gotta be a closet psycho."



Well-Known Member
I am only repeating what guy friends have told me about women they've rejected. "Too rich for my blood." "Outta my league." "I'm sure she already has a guy." "If a woman like that is single, she's gotta be a closet psycho."


And in my own past single life, I am sure I've used some or all of those, but they're shorthand for something else - and men aren't known for spending a lot of time explaining things like that in detail.
It's just easier to say you're not interested in a smart woman than to spell out you don't like a condescending know it all.

I've dated women who were "too rich" because their standard of living and lifestyle is something they can't part with and one I can't be a part of.
I dated women who were very attractive but I'm keenly aware of how average looking I am - and knew from experience I'd be "traded up". From experience. So I was always cautious about a woman who was very attractive who took an interest in me. Most times, there was a reason - recent breakup, kids, an addiction, poor social skills - or in one case, almost no social skills AND past mental problems - or a nerd, which actually is a plus for a nerd like me.

If you ever hear a terse reason - there's probably a longer one that he doesn't want to spell out - or doesn't know how to.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
It's just easier to say you're not interested in a smart woman than to spell out you don't like a condescending know it all.

Straight up, I am the most condescending know it all I know, and I have never had a problem snagging guys. Even guys who should have been "out of my league" for one reason or another. Clearly there is a market for the female condescending know it all.


We, you and I, should be able to agree that you are not a "typical male". I think of you as a little deeper than most people, with a better sense of yourself and more introspection than most folks have. You are not the guy who, if presented with a naked and begging Taylor Swift, would go "okay" and hit that. Or maybe you would, but you know what I mean. What I'm trying to say is that you are not a gauge for most male minds, just as I am not a good gauge for most female minds.

Does that make sense?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
So I was always cautious about a woman who was very attractive who took an interest in me.

Or perhaps she'd had her fill of the vapid pretty boys, and now she wanted to settle in with a nice guy who was fun, smart, and would treat her nicely. :shrug: And let's get real: it's not like you're some troll or even marginally hideous. Of course women would find you attractive. You're being too modest.


Well-Known Member
We, you and I, should be able to agree that you are not a "typical male". I think of you as a little deeper than most people, with a better sense of yourself and more introspection than most folks have. You are not the guy who, if presented with a naked and begging Taylor Swift, would go "okay" and hit that.

Wife and I were watching "The Tourist" the other night in a role where I don't think Angelina Jolie has EVER been sexier - and I told her after a while her constant correction of how Depp should behave and function would piss me off to the point where I'd be - I don't give a crap what you look like - you're clearly playing me, my life is in danger and I don't care anymore. I'm very familiar with the phrase "no matter how hot she is, somebody somewhere is tired of her ####". I'd get the hell out of Dodge. And I know I would, because I did it when I was 18 years old.

Wife disagreed - she insisted that most men would do ANYTHING if they thought they was the *tiniest* chance they'd tap that. My reaction was, that's because most guys are morons and think, they're all Adonis.

I told her I would not, but not because I'm principled - but because between continuing to LIVE and the tiny chance - I'd take continuing to live. It's way too likely I'm being played.

The movie's resolution was too stupid to mention.


Well-Known Member
Or perhaps she'd had her fill of the vapid pretty boys, and now she wanted to settle in with a nice guy who was fun, smart, and would treat her nicely. :shrug: And let's get real: it's not like you're some troll or even marginally hideous. Of course women would find you attractive. You're being too modest.

Well I've been married coming up on 14 years, so wifey must find something worthwhile. Even though our first date - we went Dutch - I impressed her enough that she kind of just KNEW.

At least a couple times I dated someone who was otherwise stunning to just about any male - but it didn't work out - and truthfully, they DID find me charming.
There were just - other reasons. Just had experiences where a hot girl who likes me a lot - it's because she's manic depressive and is a problem.
I still remember one date that ended with her crashing her car, calling her ex-husband and him looking at the situation with a look that said "crap, not *AGAIN*".

It tends to make you cautious.