The Feminist Life Script Has Made Many Women Miserable. Don’t Let It Sucker You


PREMO Member
A 35-year-old woman wrote The Cut’s advice columnist last month in great distress, and became one of its most-viewed stories of late. She embarked on life as a “creative,” cycling through West Coast cities and boyfriends in ways that may sound glamorous, but now she sees in retrospect has wasted her potential for creating a family.

I have no family nearby, no long-term relationship built on years of mutual growth and shared experiences, no children. While I make friends easily, I’ve left most of my friends behind in each city I’ve moved from while they’ve continued to grow deep roots: marriages, homeownership, career growth, community, families, children. I have a few close girlfriends, for which I am grateful, but life keeps getting busier and our conversations are now months apart. Most of my nights are spent alone with my cat (cue the cliché)…

My apathy is coming out in weird ways. I’m drinking too much, and when I do see my friends on occasion, I end up getting drunk and angry or sad or both and pushing them away. And with men I date, I feel pressure to make something of the relationship too soon (move in, get married, ‘I have to have kids in a couple of years’; fun times!). All the while still trying to be the sexpot 25-year-old I thought I was until what seemed like a moment ago.

I used to think I was the one who had it all figured out. Adventurous life in the city! Traveling the world! Making memories! Now I feel incredibly hollow. And foolish.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
What a load of crap.

Feminism means that women can make their own choices and have equal opportunity in education and career. That's it. It doesn't mean you have to shun marriage and children, or a traditional female role, and it certainly doesn't mean you have to screw every guy you meet.

The women in this story made choices. They continue to make choices. If they don't like the choices they make, they should make different ones. It's really that simple. Most women I know have combined career and family, and done it successfully. I know several women who have remained childless by choice and are happy with their decision. I know women who are in their 50s who never married and don't intend to; AND I know women who found their life mate in their 50s :)howdy:).

This means women have the most marital bargaining power in their 20s. The smartest female strategy, then, is to marry young, and lock in a husband before they have to compete against younger, hotter women.

^^ Fat load of crap.

we need to know and be told the truth about what makes women happy, what women overwhelmingly want in life

^^ Super duper fat load of crap.

What "women" want? Different women want different things. THAT is what feminism is supposed to be about - not being locked into some role that society has foisted on us, but making our own choices and living the life that makes us happy. This story presumes that all women are identical, little Stepford Wives in training, and that's bull####.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
AND I will tell you something else:

You middle aged guys who want a cute young dingbat? Yeah, go for it because women like me don't want you anyway. We find you immature and unreliable, and we think you have self-esteem issues that we don't want to deal with. You are an affair with a Starbucks barista waiting to happen, and PS so is your much younger chickie.

These "feminism is evil" missives annoy the crap out of me.


Power with Control
Hows about we split it up? "Urban" feminism, as personified by the Sex in the City crowd, and what I would call realistic feminism, which you describe? Like masculinity, it can be both good and bad. The ol "Keep'em pregnant and barefoot in the kitchen" school of masculinity, and the "Treasure and protect your family" school. There are toxic varieties of all sorts of isms. Nationalism, for instance, can be good and bad.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Hows about we split it up? "Urban" feminism, as personified by the Sex in the City crowd, and what I would call realistic feminism, which you describe? Like masculinity, it can be both good and bad. The ol "Keep'em pregnant and barefoot in the kitchen" school of masculinity, and the "Treasure and protect your family" school. There are toxic varieties of all sorts of isms. Nationalism, for instance, can be good and bad.


I feel the same annoyance when I see some crazed college chick ranting about "rape culture". "Your son is a future rapist!"


"Men are evil" rants piss me off too.


b*tch rocket
What a load of crap.

The women in this story made choices. They continue to make choices. If they don't like the choices they make, they should make different ones. It's really that simple.

Yup! I can't deal with these type of women, actually these type of people. There are a #### ton of beta males out there who whine about similar stuff. I can't even imagine how they will react when actual hardship or tragedy kicks them in their doughy, vapid faces.


PREMO Member
I can't even imagine how they will react when actual hardship or tragedy kicks them in their doughy, vapid faces.

they will collapse like a melted snowflake .....

betas raised by helicopter parents, everyone gets a trophy
never had to compete or were seriously challenged

this is why we end up with woman hatting groups like

Incels = Involuntary Celibates
MGTOW = Men Going Their Own Way

they blame women because they 'can't get laid in a whore house with a $ 100 bill'

I also put part of the blame for this on 3rd wave feminists - who the hell would want to date such a angry shrew


Power with Control
Yup! I can't deal with these type of women, actually these type of people. There are a #### ton of beta males out there who whine about similar stuff. I can't even imagine how they will react when actual hardship or tragedy kicks them in their doughy, vapid faces.

Wife had a show called "Below Decks" on in the background last night while doing some work at her desk. Follows the crew of a rental luxury motor yacht through a charter in each episode. The 3rd steward, a 20 something, was being told what to do by the 40 something 1st Stew. 3rd blew up in her face, yelling that she was all wrong and needed to get her sh%^ together. Damn, you really think you can tell your boss that?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
These militant feminists remind me of that old commercial where the Drill Instructor says (paraphrase), "All you lowlife maggots who I put through 9 weeks of the worst hell of your come you never write?"

"OMG, I hate men so much! They suck worse than anything and should be banned! Arrrrgggghhh, I hate their guts so much! ... ... Why won't any of them ask me for a date??"


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Not the face anyone would want to wake to.
