Asperger's Poster Child
Or is it Goodfeathers like on "Animaniacs"?
The birds also have a singles scene, apparently...
Jeffrey Hoover, an avian ecologist at the Illinois Natural History Survey in Champaign, found that cowbirds have a lot in common with gangsters...
Hoover and colleague Scott Robinson found that when they removed cowbird eggs from the warbler nests, those nests mysteriously got trashed. Turns out that the cowbirds, much like members of the mob, were keeping a close eye on the nests in which they had laid their eggs. If anything bad happened to the eggs, the cowbirds would return and destroy the nest....
"What is interesting is the female cowbirds are running this mafia-like racket," Hoover said. "People often think of males as being violent. . . . The male cowbirds play little or no role in this."
The birds also have a singles scene, apparently...
Emily DuVal, a biologist at the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology in Germany, found that male lance-tailed manakins display the behavior seen at nightclubs, where a person plays "wingman" or "wingwoman" to help a friend impress a potential mate.