The Godless Constitution.....


Habari Na Mijeldi
The Godless Constitution: A Moral Defense of the Secular State by Isaac Kramnick and R. Laurence Moore

"Product Description: "A timely, well-written and scholarly polemic for the separation of church and state."--Bernard Crick, The New Statesman The Godless Constitution is a ringing rebuke to the religious right's attempts, fueled by misguided and inaccurate interpretations of American history, to dismantle the wall between church and state erected by the country's founders. The authors, both distinguished scholars, revisit the historical roots of American religious freedom, paying particular attention to such figures as John Locke, Roger Williams, and especially Thomas Jefferson, and examine the controversies, up to the present day, over the proper place of religion in our political life. With a new chapter that explores the role of religion in the public life of George W. Bush's America, The Godless Constitution offers a bracing return to the first principles of American governance."



New Member
The Godless Constitution: A Moral Defense of the Secular State by Isaac Kramnick and R. Laurence Moore

"Product Description: "A timely, well-written and scholarly polemic for the separation of church and state."--Bernard Crick, The New Statesman The Godless Constitution is a ringing rebuke to the religious right's attempts, fueled by misguided and inaccurate interpretations of American history, to dismantle the wall between church and state erected by the country's founders. The authors, both distinguished scholars, revisit the historical roots of American religious freedom, paying particular attention to such figures as John Locke, Roger Williams, and especially Thomas Jefferson, and examine the controversies, up to the present day, over the proper place of religion in our political life. With a new chapter that explores the role of religion in the public life of George W. Bush's America, The Godless Constitution offers a bracing return to the first principles of American governance."

This book is the work product of those completely ignorant of what Christianity is all about. They use selected quotes from Thomas Jefferson without giving credit to Thomas Jefferson for getting it RIGHT about Christianity.

"The reason that Christianity is the best friend of Government is because Christianity is the only religion that changes the heart."

Jefferson vehemently(as I do) opposed a STATE SANCTIONED RELIGION dictating how others are to worship. That is the basis for the first amendment. So called "separation of church and state" indicates clear opposition to church sanctioned religious DOCTRINES imposed by government on the populace.
If a proper and unbiased book had been written, The proper title for this book should have been
"The Doctrineless Constitution"
Until so called "scholars" can distinguish the difference between "separation of church and state" as compared to "separation of God and Country" there will continue to be constant error and debate promulgated by those who hate god against those who love religious doctrine. Both groups hate true freedom and endeavor to enslave others.The rest of us who understand the beauty of true Christianity are left in the middle.