"The Grave Reaches Out To The Cradle"


Habari Na Mijeldi
Alaska Pride

If the selection of the 65-year-old Joe Biden by the 47-year-old Barack Obama can be characterized as "the cradle reaching out to the grave", then the selection of 44-year-old Sarah Palin by 72-year-old John McCain can be characterized as the "grave reaching out to the cradle". McCain's selection of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, reported nationally on CNN, has stunned the nation and triggered discussion far beyond the normal venues, to include seemingly unlikely venues such as the Vanguard News Network Forum and Stormfront.

And Alaskans, including myself, are just as stunned as most other Americans at this selection. I genuinely believed that what chances she actually ever had died with the onset of the scandal unleashed beginning with the firing of former Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan. Then she compounded that error by hiring former Kenai Police Chief Chuck Kopp as Monegan's replacement without properly vetting him; he turned out to have had a past as a sexual harasser, and he also resigned, under fire.

And many Alaskans, in particular Andrew Halcro (view all his posts on Palin HERE), remain strongly critical of Sarah Palin's Alaska Gasline Inducement Act (AGIA) as well as her legislatively rubber-stamped decision to select Trans-Canada to build the pipeline, even though Trans-Canada, by their own admission, will not begin construction until 2015, AFTER their Canadian gas lines are built and AFTER the value of Alaskan gas is weakened by the expected flood of Canadian gas.


No Use for Donk Twits
Alaska Pride

If the selection of the 65-year-old Joe Biden by the 47-year-old Barack Obama can be characterized as "the cradle reaching out to the grave", then the selection of 44-year-old Sarah Palin by 72-year-old John McCain can be characterized as the "grave reaching out to the cradle". McCain's selection of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, reported nationally on CNN, has stunned the nation and triggered discussion far beyond the normal venues, to include seemingly unlikely venues such as the Vanguard News Network Forum and Stormfront.

And Alaskans, including myself, are just as stunned as most other Americans at this selection. I genuinely believed that what chances she actually ever had died with the onset of the scandal unleashed beginning with the firing of former Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan. Then she compounded that error by hiring former Kenai Police Chief Chuck Kopp as Monegan's replacement without properly vetting him; he turned out to have had a past as a sexual harasser, and he also resigned, under fire.

And many Alaskans, in particular Andrew Halcro (view all his posts on Palin HERE), remain strongly critical of Sarah Palin's Alaska Gasline Inducement Act (AGIA) as well as her legislatively rubber-stamped decision to select Trans-Canada to build the pipeline, even though Trans-Canada, by their own admission, will not begin construction until 2015, AFTER their Canadian gas lines are built and AFTER the value of Alaskan gas is weakened by the expected flood of Canadian gas.

Walt Moneqan is a dead issue.

Flopping Aces » Blog Archive » Palin’s Trooper’Gate: Beating MSM distortions to the truth

Doesn't DU have any more recent talking points? Kos is rumor-mongering and Puffington Post is having a hissy fit.


New Member
Hell ----she has them scared to death.

They need to harass her even more and have all the Hillary women swinging over to our side.


No Use for Donk Twits
Mr. Palin told the newspaper he feared for his wife’s safety and said Trooper Wooten had made threats against her and her family. The governor has acknowledged inquiries by her staff to the Public Safety Department but said she played no role in them. To demonstrate she welcomed the inquiry, Mrs. Palin asked the state attorney general to look into the accusations as well.

I believe from this report, Palin isn't worried about the investigation.


I like her office!


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