The Great Reset Is Just a MacGuffin for Total State Control


PREMO Member
Weather, white supremacy, who cares? They're not important; what's important is how to train the many to obey the few — that's socialism in a nutshell! Italian dictator Benito Mussolini succinctly defined fascism as "all within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state." Famed director Alfred Hitchcock used the term "MacGuffin" to describe an object or device in a movie that serves merely as a trigger for the plot. If you put both ideas together, you've got a pretty good handle on what socialism really is. Socialism is a way for a small group of people (the oligarchical, blue-check, blue-blood, limousine-liberal, champagne-swilling, Davos-demagoguing, pampered elite) to rule over everyone else by keeping populations so riled up about absolute nonsense that they beg to be ruled over more completely.

Are America and the West really plagued by "hate speech" that must be punished and rooted out? Or is it perhaps more likely that governments seek to control freedom of speech by using some amorphous and transmutable concept like a "hate" MacGuffin that they can demonize and pound like a piñata whenever frisky commoners start having ideas that threaten the status quo?

Is it really in the interest of national security for the FBI to hunt down and punish Trump-supporters who exercised their freedom of association to gather in support of voting rights on January 6? Or is the FBI just using an "extremism" MacGuffin to demoralize and intimidate conservatives while continuing to turn a blind eye to the campaign of Marxist destruction caused by Antifa and BLM shock troops in cities across the country, including in D.C.?

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PREMO Member

All hail our globalist overlords.

In its post-Covid-19 global comprehensiveness, the Great Reset has ambitions to be our greatest “woke” project yet. On examination, it is a kitchen-sink mishmash of agendas that incorporate the U.N.’s long stale “Sustainable Development” plan (“Agenda 21”), the Green New Deal, tidbits of Black Lives Matter sloganeering, critical race theory, “stakeholder” capitalism that often champions ESG, or forced corporate embrace of “environmental and social governance” over shareholder profitability, open-borders rhetoric, and boutique redistributionism dumbed down from Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the Twenty-First Century. Reset offers us a global Fabian socialist future, repackaged as a European Union-like top-down diktat. But above all, the agenda incorporates the pop insights of various half-educated corporate billionaires. All now find themselves in a secure enough position to dabble with Trotskyite ideas—to be foisted upon others not so fortunate and lacking their own exemptions from the toxicity of the elite’s theories.

The same linguistic suspicions hold true of the use of the noun “Reset.” It assumes a year-zero arrogance that all that came before was flawed. And all that will follow, we are assured, will not be so defective. Such absolutism is reminiscent of former President Barack Obama’s grandiose promise on the very eve of the 2008 election: “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America”—a transformation that birthed the Tea Party revolt just two years later, during the 2010 midterm elections, one of the greatest conservative political pushbacks of the past seventy years.

We remember that just four months after Obama’s promises of transformation, the romance of fundamental change went international with the idea of a foreign policy “reset” that focused on a new détente with Vladimir Putin. The idea was inaugurated in 2009 by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on the assumption that Putin’s past territorial aggressions had arisen from an absence of dialogue and ecumenical outreach from the prior “unilateralist” George W. Bush administration. Bush supposedly had wrongly sanctioned Putin for his 2008 miniature war with Georgia that resulted in the Russian absorption of South Ossetia. And the go-it-alone “cowboy” Bush apparently had also unduly polarized Putin and thus wet the ex-KGB operative’s beak for additional irredentist acquisition.