The GREATEST golfer of all time...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...makes birdie on the last to end his competitive tournament career.

Jack Nicholas didn't make the cut and that's OK. In front of a wall of humans and thunderous applause (for golf) Jack went out in grand style, making a 15 footer where most humans likely couldn't even stand up given the emotions and feelings of the moment and the setting, the birthplace of golf, the grand outdoor cathedral that is St. Andrews. Couldn't have been more fitting.

Thank you Jack!


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said:
...makes birdie on the last to end his competitive tournament career.

Jack Nicholas didn't make the cut and that's OK. In front of a wall of humans and thunderous applause (for golf) Jack went out in grand style, making a 15 footer where most humans likely couldn't even stand up given the emotions and feelings of the moment and the setting, the birthplace of golf, the grand outdoor cathedral that is St. Andrews. Couldn't have been more fitting.

Thank you Jack!

:yay: Class act his whole career.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Jack is undoubtedly great and right now I agree that he is the greatest, but will he still be the "greatest golfer of all time" when that still under 30 Tiger reaches the age of 65?

Not to belittle Jack, but as of 2004 Jack had 73 PGA tour victories, Tiger has already had 40 victories in under 9 years. If Eldrick continues on as he has he could surpass Jack's accomplishments. Regardless, it is a sure bet that these two are the epitome of golf and the pedestal at the top of the heap certainly has enough room for both of them.

Anyway, enjoy the retirement Jack (or the Senior tour as I am sure you are not finished yet).


Ken King said:
Jack is undoubtedly great and right now I agree that he is the greatest, but will he still be the "greatest golfer of all time" when that still under 30 Tiger reaches the age of 65?

Not to belittle Jack, but as of 2004 Jack had 73 PGA tour victories, Tiger has already had 40 victories in under 9 years. If Eldrick continues on as he has he could surpass Jack's accomplishments. Regardless, it is a sure bet that these two are the epitome of golf and the pedestal at the top of the heap certainly has enough room for both of them.

Anyway, enjoy the retirement Jack (or the Senior tour as I am sure you are not finished yet).
Oh, I think he will always be regarded as the greatest or one of them anyway. Tiger will undoubtedly eclipse his win total but when you look at the advances Tiger has played with in ball and club technology it makes it even out just a little.

I think he is done. He has been playing selected tournaments on the Senior tour for a while. I think he is tired.


Asperger's Poster Child
Pete said:
Tiger will undoubtedly eclipse his win total but when you look at the advances Tiger has played with in ball and club technology it makes it even out just a little.
Possibly. If we had a Star Trek Next Generation holodeck, we could match up Woods and Nicklaus in their primes and see which one would win.

I believe that "greatest of all time" in any sport isn't just about numbers. Personality, ambition and leadership are also factors. With that in mind, who would be your "greatest of all time" in different sports?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...he says he is done with competitive tournament golf, including Seniors.

Anyway, enjoy the retirement Jack (or the Senior tour as I am sure you are not finished yet).

As far as Tiger goes he will be 30 this December, if you can believe it. Jacks last meaningful victory was the Masters at age 46, so, just for conversations sake, let's say Tiger has about 15 years left.

From what I gather, Tiger is ahead of Jack, using age, in both tournament wins and majors, the coin of the realm in pro golf, so, yeah, while you're probably right and I'd agree that Tiger wil pass Jack, he has a LONG way to go. Passing Jack is also Tigers goal and he is nothing if not goal oriented.

Tiger looks good to win this week, giving him 10 majors.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Dear Larry,

I notice you are watching golf when you're supposed to be at After Hours being fitted for your tux. Care to explain this?


Your loving wife of 7 years and 1 day


My Sweetest Boy
vraiblonde said:
Dear Larry,

I notice you are watching golf when you're supposed to be at After Hours being fitted for your tux. Care to explain this?


Your loving wife of 7 years and 1 day



Nothing to see here
vraiblonde said:
I MUST have that for a forum smilie!!! Good karma coming your way!

I think I swiped it from VirgoVictoria or Kwillia, spread it their way.


Asperger's Poster Child
vraiblonde said:
Dear Larry,

I notice you are watching golf when you're supposed to be at After Hours being fitted for your tux. Care to explain this?


Your loving wife of 7 years and 1 day
Looks like Larry might be sleeping in the garage tonight.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Tonio said:
Looks like Larry might be sleeping in the garage tonight.

...for a fee, I will show you how this is done...successfully. I been practicing.

Free lesson #1 is to make sure that what they are #####in...err...concerned about is done by days end.

#2 is to fall back on 30 years of rock and roll thus (as demonstrated by the legendary otter:
