The Grizzly Man


b*tch rocket
Anyone remember the granola who went to live with and "be one with" the bears in Alaska? You know, the one that wound up being bear dinner? There is a 3 hour documentary on Discovery with much of his footage. I caught some of it last night and initially thought it was a comedy channel spoof. :lol: It's on Discovery now, watch it, it's great. :yay: :lol:


b*tch rocket
rack'm said:
Yeah, he and his girlfriend both became the main course. :killingme :killingme
That's the one. :yay: I can't stop watching this though, he's so daggone nuts. :lol: I wonder how many tons of pot he smoked in his lifetime?


I saw that too. That guy is a real nut job. While I appreciate the concept, and admire his passion, he is not right in the head. Did you see the rant he goes off on about the park people? He LOVES the camera too. I guess he said that he got beat out for the part of "Woody" by Woody Harelson on Cheers. He really wanted to be an actor.


Christy said:
That's the one. :yay: I can't stop watching this though, he's so daggone nuts. :lol: I wonder how many tons of pot he smoked in his lifetime?

TONS no doubt.......he was a troubled child and all that jazz in New York, if I remember right, then went out to Caliland and found animals as his calling......


Boy and I are watching it. He wanted to know if they had video of him getting eaten, I told him no. :lol:

The testimony of the guy who found the carcass was pretty grizzly. Ha! a pun.


Pete said:
Boy and I are watching it. He wanted to know if they had video of him getting eaten, I told him no. :lol:

The testimony of the guy who found the carcass was pretty grizzly. Ha! a pun.
I searched and found a bit of the tape. I can't remember where I found it. It does not play the whole thing, just a bit at the beginning where he is telling her to go away and she is yelling at the bear and screaming. It was a couple months ago I heard it.


camily said:
I searched and found a bit of the tape. I can't remember where I found it. It does not play the whole thing, just a bit at the beginning where he is telling her to go away and she is yelling at the bear and screaming. It was a couple months ago I heard it.
One article said there was 6 minutes of audio tape during the attack and that they were never going to release it.


Pete said:
One article said there was 6 minutes of audio tape during the attack and that they were never going to release it.
This is only maybe a minute at the most. Let me see if I can find it.
Pete said:
One article said there was 6 minutes of audio tape during the attack and that they were never going to release it.
Oh it's been release... or at least in part. My sister heard parts of it and said it was very chilling.


kwillia said:
Oh it's been release... or at least in part. My sister heard parts of it and said it was very chilling.
I suppose with their star dead the rest of the granola's needed money.


We switched to watch the documentary about the Titanic. Boy has been obsessed with the Titanic for a couple years.


kwillia said:
Oh it's been release... or at least in part. My sister heard parts of it and said it was very chilling.
Thank God. I thought I was insane. I am searching though.....
Pete said:
We switched to watch the documentary about the Titanic. Boy has been obsessed with the Titanic for a couple years.
You have got to take that child to Myrtle Beach this summer if for nothing else than to see the Titanic exhibit in Ripley's Believe it or Not Museum...:yay: :yay: It was very detailed, informative and very interactive. I will never forget the one part where they had a container of water set to the same temperature as the water at the time the Titanic went down. You are allowed to put your hand it the water and time how long you can keep it in before you can't stand it anymore... that really, really brought it to life. I also never knew the Titanic was on fire when it set sail and that the fire was a major contributing factor in the series of unfortunate events.


New Member
kwillia said:
You have got to take that child to Myrtle Beach this summer if for nothing else than to see the Titanic exhibit in Ripley's Believe it or Not Museum...:yay: :yay: It was very detailed, informative and very interactive. I will never forget the one part where they had a container of water set to the same temperature as the water at the time the Titanic went down. You are allowed to put your hand it the water and time how long you can keep it in before you can't stand it anymore... that really, really brought it to life. I also never knew the Titanic was on fire when it set sail and that the fire was a major contributing factor in the series of unfortunate events.

I don't remember that part of the movie! It was on fire?


I bowl overhand
Grizzzly man?? How about a real short to the point title.. "IDIOT!!"

He was a person that was not all there mentally, and an environmental org took advantage of him, and made $$$$ off of him, and now with the documentary will be making a crap load more money off of him..

I like the eskimo/ Inuit at the museum, the only one with any brains.. "he has done more damage then good to these bears".. Humanizing them, now how many will die because they get too curious when a human is near. He definetely got what was coming to him...
tomchamp said:
I don't remember that part of the movie! It was on fire?
There was a fire in one of the boiler rooms. That is why the owner and his rich friends cancelled at the last minute. That is also way he had his most valuable paintings and such removed at the last minute as well. They were not able to get the fire out... that is why they made the decision to go full speed ahead even thru the night in dangerous water. I was stunned when I read all of this and saw the displays. :faint:


This is fun right?
After Highschool i spent a spring/summer up at Kodiak King Crabbing (similiar to Deadliest Catch, also on Discovery, although not on any boats anywhere near as large as those).

When we'd go out in the morning, there was always at least one Kodiak on the point, out in the water as we'd head out. The bears on the Treadwell show, are Grizzly's but commonly called Kodiak bears, generally much larger than the Grizzly's in the lower 48.

They are magnificent animals, but they are GINORMOUS (upwards of 2500 pounds) but at no time did I or any of my buds ever think we could become friends with them. Its one thing to have respect for the animals, its something totally different to think you have a relationship/kindship/friendship with a WILD friggin animal the size of a small VW.

This idiot actually did more harm than good, as stated by the Inuit that was interviewed in the Documentary. Due to his "actions" some of the bears became nuisances, becoming acclimatized to humans, and had to be transported to, even less habitized areas.

if you watch the show, he gets pissed at wolves who killed a (one of his) fox cubs. instead of realizing this was nature at work, he personalizes the wolves and feels they "Howled with glee, as they "murdered" the fox cub".

He was also deranged, watch his rantings against the park service, he didnt like the fact that (around) 5 percent of the animals were to be hunted (this is after his rantings about the bears starving, the hunts were to cut down on the number so fewer would starve). he thought Poachers were also after him, in reality poaching was never a very large issue.

on the other hand, it is eerie watching the show, and hear him spouting off how he understands the bears, he's one with the bears (he is now) the bears love him. when the entire time you know he ends up becoming nothing more than a Dingleberry to their brown eye.
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