The group think/identity politics of both secular and religious totalitarian cults


Well-Known Member
This is a long one by a guy I follow on FB. He was a professor of biochemistry, or some such long-haired field until he refused to get jabbed, and was subsequently fired for it.

I formatted it to make it more readable, but otherwise, have not touched his work.

Gregorio Enrique Sandoval

By Their Fruit You Shall Know Them
The group think/identity politics of both secular and religious totalitarian cults
Remarks on the recent poll of Democrats by Eric Kaufmann of the University of Buckingham showing that 33% wished that the recent assassination attempt against Trump had been successful and 55% of those Democrats polled agreed with the statement that white Republicans are racist.

First, let’s get an idea of the degree of detachment from reality that exists among those polled by looking first at the racism angle by asking some questions that cover the history of the Democrat Party from the mid-1800s to the present day:
1. Which political party organized the Trail of Tears to steal gold-bearing land out from American Indian citizens and march them out west to reservations in the middle of nowhere?
Not the Republicans.

2. Which political party seceded from the United States and started the Civil War?
Not the Republicans.

3. Which political party created the KKK and Jim Crow laws?
Not the Republicans.

4. Which political party was behind the lynching and massacres of minority members of the other political party throughout the South?
Not the Republicans.

5. Which political party was behind the Fugitive Slave Law?
Not the Republicans.

6. Which political party created a 100 year system of racial apartheid?
Not the Republicans.

7. Which political party did those Supreme Court Justices belong to that upheld racist laws?
Not the Republicans.

8. Which political party’s beliefs and practices were ardently studied and copied both by the Afrikaners in South Africa and by the Nazis in Germany?
Not the Republicans.

9. Which political party did Harriett Tubman and most of the others of the Underground Railroad belong to?
Not the Democrats.

10. Which political party was founded on the goal of eliminating slavery?
Not the Democrats.

11. Which political party in the South following the Civil War created labor unions specifically to keep newly freed slaves from practicing their trades?
Not the Republicans.

12. Which political party voted against every civil rights bill from the Civil War onward?
Not the Republicans.

13. Which political party was behind the various assassination attempts on Abraham Lincoln?
Not the Republicans.

14. Which political party voted against the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments?
Not the Republicans.

15. Which political party ardently supported Margaret Sanger’s plan to eradicate non-white Americans.
Not the Republicans.

16. Which political party segregated the federal government?
Not the Republicans.

17. Which political party held the Klan Bake at one of its national conventions?
Not the Republicans.

18. Which political party put Japanese American citizens into internment camps and seized their property and businesses?
Not the Republicans.

19. Which political party turned firehouses and police dogs on civil rights marchers and beat the crap out of them with ax handles?
Not the Republicans.

So much for which party is the party of racism and violence.

The answers to the above questions should tell you all you need to know about the following group of questions about political parties and recent events:
1. Which political party organized Crossfire Hurricane to take Trump out in 2016?

2. Which political party was behind hiring people to impersonate Trump supporters, infiltrate Trump political events all the way from 2016 to Jan 6 2020, and then cause trouble to harm Trump and his supporters?

3. Which political party organized and pushed Covid Inc to cripple the nation’s economy in the first half of 2020 to hurt Trump in the polls? And when that didn’t work

4. Which political party was behind organizing far left and communist NGOs to instigate the massive waves of violence and looting by Antifa, BLM, and other assorted leftists during the summer of 2020 to hurt Trump in the polls? And when that didn’t work

5. Which political party organized the massive vote fraud in 2020 to take Trump out in the election?

6. Which political party used people’s opposition to the actions in 5 as an excuse to deliberately create even more trouble for Trump and his supporters?

7. Which political party organized two unlawful impeachment attempts against Trump?

8. Which political party organized the phony Jan 6th “insurrection” and used that to target Trump and his supporters?

9. Which political party organized the bogus grounds for the bogus raid on Trump’s home?

10. Which political party organized, at the highest levels of government, the various instances of lawfare against Trump and hundreds of his supporters?

11. Which political party was responsible for turning down requests for adequate Secret Service protection for Trump over the past two years?

12. Which political party, whether through incompetence or ill will, seriously crippled the Secret Service protection for the rally at which Trump was almost assassinated?
Answers for 1-12 above.
Those of the radical left that comprise almost the entire body of elected Democrats at the federal level, including the Clintons, the Obamas, the Bidens, and virtually all their appointees.

Those who have been behind the sanctuary secessionist movement in over 540 state, county, and city government throughout the United States.

Those who have been behind the massive push by leftist NGOs with the full complicity of both the Obama and Biden administrations to flood the United States with tens of millions of illegal aliens from over 150 countries.

Those who, from all the way back in the 1800s, butt-hurt over having their asses kicked in the Civil War, hooked up with the other political group with as big a hard-on against the Union, the progressive socialists and Marxists.

Those are not the Republicans.
How to explain the difference between the 33% of Democrats who wish Trump had been killed and the 55% that claim that white Republicans are racist?

Here’s how: not every respondee [sic] who actually wished Trump had been killed was willing to say that outright.

Most pollsters have ways of detecting which percentage of respondents were hesitant to answer certain questions.
How does that work?

Suppose there was a diet questionnaire and one statement was:
“I have cheated on my diet.”

And suppose the percentage of those answering “yes” was 15%.

But other questions included are:
1. Sometimes I have a light snack to help me stick to my overall dieting goals.
2. Sometime when friends and relatives are over I make allowances so they don’t feel self-conscious.

And suppose the percentage of those answering “yes” about those two statements was around 50%.

This would tell you that the number of people who have cheated on their diets was WAY closer to 50% than to 15%.

You could also tell by the degree of their still-fat asses.

This poll was no different. The pollster identified the primary characteristics shared between the 33% and 55% this way:
He said that the level of ideological partisanship linking those two groups was statistically so significant that it rendered all other variables to irrelevance.

Those 33% (but probably closer to 55%) of Democrats polled who wished Trump had been assassinated are nothing other than the American expression of the same type of identity politics insanity actuating Hamas, Hezbollah, and all the other jihadist Muslim groups whose origins also lay in the latter 1800s radicalization of university students in Europe by socialists and Marxists.

Nobody should be surprised at all about how they’re acting now.

They have a pedigree of irrational partisanship, insanity, and violence that is well over one hundred fifty years old.

And while some wines, cheeses, and meats benefit from aging, what happens with totalitarian groups, whether religious or secular, founded on notions out of touch with any reality but what the founders claim to be the only reality, the one echoing around in their collective crania, the passage of time is guaranteed to bring, with few exceptions, ever greater degrees of insanity, disconnect from everyday reality, and hostility towards anyone not in their group.

The three most glaring exceptions I can think of are Calvinists, Mormons, and pre-1880s Muslims. The majority nominally assent to the doctrines of their founders, but, when actually having to live in the real world, they choose (or chose) to live more like actual human beings.

John Calvin was the creator of the first modern totalitarian state. He had a group of purity police wandering through Geneva looking for what he called heretical behavior. He ordered that no houses have curtains on the ground floor windows, all the better for the purity police to be able to see that there was no “ungodly” behavior going on. I will bet that the concept of “business up front; party in the back” was heavily reinforced by his actions in Geneva. He identified his Articles of the Christian Faith as being one and the same as divine revelation and murdered those who disagreed or even publicly asked him questions about it by burning, sometimes with green wood to prolong the agony.

Joseph Smith’s groups (because there are two main branches) became extremely insular after their behavior in New York and Missouri led to their expulsion. Their flight to Utah only served to increase both their insularity against outsiders as well as their totalitarian behavior to those within. It was only the US government threatening annihilation that caused various church leaders to claim divine revelations that just happened to coincide with actions that would lead to their continued existence in a continued organizational hierarchy.

The Muslims, having begun over a thousand years earlier than Calvin, followed the same path: initial totalitarian rule, schisms (as noted in the more recent saying, “Name two animals that reproduce by fighting. Cats and Baptists.” Though that was certainly true of any totalitarian sect: by the latter 1800s, American socialists, here only a very short time, had split into a very large number of socialist groups. Why? Because they all had the true knowledge of “the way it spozed to be”), and finally a growing accommodation toward a growing and ever more present outside world with far too many things most people were unwilling to do without.

That all started to end with Marxist revolutionaries starting their movement in Muslim countries to infiltrate and take over the principal institution that organized the society: Islam. They began around the turn of the 20th century to identify and knock off any Muslim religious leaders that were more of the live and let live approach. The revolutionaries identified themselves as the true exemplars of original Islam and took over. You only have to compare photos of every Muslim country with those same countries from a century ago, or even as recently as the 1970s. The change is due entirely to the actions of totalitarian revolutionaries.

And here, in the United States, thanks to the successful efforts of WDP Bliss in organizing the disparate American socialist groups through his American Fabian League and setting them on their plan of conquest, taking over American institutions, public and private, from the inside out, we now see the results: a political party, the Democrats, almost completely dominated by them and, by 2008, so convinced they were finally in control, coming completely out of the ideological totalitarian closet.

They so believed that they had such unbridled power, as seen by items 1-12 above, that they began to act as the totalitarians they always were:
2016 was an affront to them. The following four years proved them wrong in every possible way.

2020 showed them deliberately adopting totalitarian tactics to prevent another 4 years of being proven for the insane frauds they are.

The next four years were geared from day one to erasing the previous four and to prevent another loss like 2016.

The events of the past two years especially have demonstrated that they have no intention of mellowing or being put back in their closet of being merely the “opposition party.”


Because they are totalitarians and
1. since they can no longer sneak around,
2. since they believe they now have control,
3. since they know that if they lose control after all they’ve done, it’s curtains for them,

then they have elected to do absolutely anything to maintain control or to burn it to the ground, you know, like some of the early bomb-throwing socialist anarchists attempted or those who promoted a violent class war (including Barry Obama as recently as his years at Occidental College before hooking up with radical Muslims and electing to go the route of “cultural jihad,” plagiarized by the Muslim Brotherhood from WDP Bliss and sold by Barry as “fundamental transformation).

But what do the totalitarians do when the masses, whom they claim to be saving, refuse to be “saved”?

They destroy them. They destroy what actually exists, what actually works, in the service of a future fantasy, one that has NEVER worked, unburdened by the past they didn’t like.

This is what you are seeing right now.

And if you don’t stop it with at least the same level of intensity and self-preserving force, the barbarians are going to burn it all down while continuing to sack and pillage it, sort of like what Mayorkas did by spending all the FEMA funds on bringing in and supporting the foreign forces and occupation troops while offering hurting American citizens a lousy $750 of their own tax money.

Better get to work before it’s all gone.

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