The Hessian Doctrine


Well-Known Member
Seeing that...NK has continued to build nuclear weapons despite world condemnation and pressure

Seeing that....NK has been complicit in sending arms technology to known terrorist nations (ie Syria & Iran)

Seeing that...offers of humanitarian aid and technology offers have had no effect in tempering the drive for atomic weapons

Seeing that...NK has refused to enter negotiations with 6 of its neighbors despite multiple offers.

Seeing that...NK has acquired missile technology and has pledged to use them offensively.

Seeing that...NK's state radio has pledged open confrontation if the US acts to protect its interests and that of its allies in Asia.

Be it known, that...
North Korea will face a variety of weapons that will obliterate its intrastructure, command centers, industrial capacity, tunneling complexes, and bunkers.
North Korea's leadership, military command, and state radio will be silenced by jamming, missile technology, and incursions.
North Korea's million man army will be deprived of its minimal food supply and resupply system.

And finally...after the smoke has cleared,
we pledge to NOT offer aid, rebuild, direct, assist........
They made their mess, let them rot in it


Routinely Derailed
Along the lines of a point posted in the "Baseless Statistic" thread, my only comment with regard to your doctine is that we MUST learn to not hold back when going to do this sort of thing. The halfway approach costs lives and time and money. "Shock and Awe" is just a pretty (expensive) fireworks show if you don't bring in more than enough people an weaponry to back it up.


Routinely Derailed
willie said:
Let their neighbors take care of the problem.

The Chinese would be the best candidates for that, but I'll bet they won't. The othersprobably can't come up with the resolve and the force necessary to do it. Otherwise, that would be a great idea.


Well-Known Member
Let's run with the scenario...

That things escalate.
Let's face it, W does not like getting sand kicked in his face. AND words don't seem to be the working option now.

I think a little better preparation is necessary BEFORE the J-dams get dropped.

Let's offer South Korea a Container ship full of cots & barbed wire and spam for the thousands of conscripted NK soldiers who surrender after the first wave of bombing. "A Gift from the People of the United States of America" stamped on every box. :razz:

oh, and let's not forget the shovels and dust masks for them when we send them back to bury all the Dear Leader's nuclear material that we blow up.
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Well-Known Member
Hessian said:
That things escalate.
Let's face it, W does not like getting sand kicked in his face. AND words don't seem to be the working option now.

I think a little better preparation is necessary BEFORE the J-dams get dropped.

Let's offer South Korea a Container ship full of cots & barbed wire and spam for the thousands of conscripted NK soldiers who surrender after the first wave of bombing. "A Gift from the People of the United States of America" stamped on every box. :razz:
Why would you want to go to battle with them while they are only a threat to their close neighbors? Japan will do the job shortly.


Well-Known Member

It is NOT just a matter of "threat to the neighbors." they may want us to believe they have missles that can reach the rim of the Pacific coast BUT...always be on guard for the unexpected. They are probably just as eager to sell a shipment of plutonium for a dirty bomb to Al Qaeda to strike us crossing the Mexican border and detonating in Houston.

It is never what we percieve the threat to is what they ARE capable of, and how motivated are they.
China can bluster and show annoyance toward NK....but in reality, they are happily watching our response, our intel gathering, signalling, naval response, --all very carefully.
The ox is slow but the Earth is patient.


Football addict
willie said:
Why would you want to go to battle with them while they are only a threat to their close neighbors? Japan will do the job shortly.
If Japan is attacked the US is attacked. There is a large outcry from some Japanese that the US should let the Japanese spend more on defense. The Japanese aren't allowed to since the US has so much military involvement in Japan and because of a reward given to the US after WWII, which required the Japanese not to upgrade their military strength to a certain level. Therefore, there is a treaty that basically states, if Japan is attacked the US is attacked.


Well-Known Member
BuddyLee said:
If Japan is attacked the US is attacked. There is a large outcry from some Japanese that the US should let the Japanese spend more on defense. The Japanese aren't allowed to since the US has so much military involvement in Japan and because of a reward given to the US after WWII, which required the Japanese not to upgrade their military strength to a certain level. Therefore, there is a treaty that basically states, if Japan is attacked the US is attacked.
Their defense spending is controlled by them not the U.S. The agreements were that they would handle the small stuff defensively. You are correct that in the event of an all out attack, it is also our fight.