Well-Known Member
Seeing that...NK has continued to build nuclear weapons despite world condemnation and pressure
Seeing that....NK has been complicit in sending arms technology to known terrorist nations (ie Syria & Iran)
Seeing that...offers of humanitarian aid and technology offers have had no effect in tempering the drive for atomic weapons
Seeing that...NK has refused to enter negotiations with 6 of its neighbors despite multiple offers.
Seeing that...NK has acquired missile technology and has pledged to use them offensively.
Seeing that...NK's state radio has pledged open confrontation if the US acts to protect its interests and that of its allies in Asia.
Be it known, that...
North Korea will face a variety of weapons that will obliterate its intrastructure, command centers, industrial capacity, tunneling complexes, and bunkers.
North Korea's leadership, military command, and state radio will be silenced by jamming, missile technology, and incursions.
North Korea's million man army will be deprived of its minimal food supply and resupply system.
And finally...after the smoke has cleared,
we pledge to NOT offer aid, rebuild, direct, assist........
They made their mess, let them rot in it.
Seeing that....NK has been complicit in sending arms technology to known terrorist nations (ie Syria & Iran)
Seeing that...offers of humanitarian aid and technology offers have had no effect in tempering the drive for atomic weapons
Seeing that...NK has refused to enter negotiations with 6 of its neighbors despite multiple offers.
Seeing that...NK has acquired missile technology and has pledged to use them offensively.
Seeing that...NK's state radio has pledged open confrontation if the US acts to protect its interests and that of its allies in Asia.
Be it known, that...
North Korea will face a variety of weapons that will obliterate its intrastructure, command centers, industrial capacity, tunneling complexes, and bunkers.
North Korea's leadership, military command, and state radio will be silenced by jamming, missile technology, and incursions.
North Korea's million man army will be deprived of its minimal food supply and resupply system.
And finally...after the smoke has cleared,
we pledge to NOT offer aid, rebuild, direct, assist........
They made their mess, let them rot in it.