The Hidden Web and the Dark Web


Opinions are my own...
PREMO Member
Here's some very interesting information from Popular Science about what is on the so-called Dark Web, and parts of the general web which are not accessible to the masses...

It’s a place where online information is password protected, trapped behind paywalls, or requires special software to access--and it’s massive. By some estimates, it is 500 times larger than the surface Web that most people search every day. Yet it’s almost completely out of sight. According to a study published in Nature, Google indexes no more than 16 percent of the surface Web and misses all of the Deep Web. Any given search turns up just 0.03 percent of the information that exists online (one in 3,000 pages).

There's some freaky stuff 'for sale' on the Dark Web. For example:

Hitmen: Service providers—including a firm named for the H.P. Lovecraft monster C’thulhu—advertise "permanent solutions to common problems." For everything from private grudges to political assassinations, these hired guns accept bitcoin as payment and provide photographic proof of the deed.

Dirty deeds done dirt cheap?


Active Member
There is a hidden web... but its purpose is not so 'dark'.


CERN, a consortium of European nations, invented the World Wide Web in 1989. CERN has one of the largest affiliation of networks on the WWW. CERN operates the largest particle accelerator in the world, easily configured for another purpose. CERN spent 13.5 billion just to find the Higgs-Boson. Their gargantuan expenditures do not justify their stated particle investigation. The breadth of CERN's reach and net-worth is incalculable. The CERN accelerator can push subatomic particles (or waves) faster than the speed of light to send simple binary messages back in time. Encoded with binary (on/off) modulation, these messages anonymously control past networks, computers, governments and social media from 1989 and beyond. Their primary purpose is to protect the world from destroying itself. It is 'us' protecting ourselves. They had predicted their success and been planning for it since 1989,'s+changer



PREMO Member

every node has an IP Address ... even TOR / I2P Routers ....

[reminds me, I need to check my router ... it crashes every 2-3 weeks]