FROM THE <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comffice:smarttags" /><st1:State w:st="on"><st1lace w:st="on">WASHINGTON</st1lace></st1:State> TIMES<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" /><o></o>
The John Doe manifesto<o></o>
By Michelle Malkin
Earlier this month, six publicity-seeking imams filed a federal lawsuit against US Airways and the Metropolitan Airports Commission in Minneapolis/St. Paul.
The Muslim clerics were removed from their flight last November and questioned for several hours after their suspicious behavior alarmed both passengers and crew members.
The imams also plan to sue "John Does" -- innocent bystanders who alerted the authorities about their security concerns. [/color]
The John Doe manifesto<o></o>
By Michelle Malkin
Earlier this month, six publicity-seeking imams filed a federal lawsuit against US Airways and the Metropolitan Airports Commission in Minneapolis/St. Paul.
The Muslim clerics were removed from their flight last November and questioned for several hours after their suspicious behavior alarmed both passengers and crew members.
The imams also plan to sue "John Does" -- innocent bystanders who alerted the authorities about their security concerns. [/color]
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