The Senate is suppossed to provide advise and consent services to the Prez IRT judicial appointments. They are not suppossed to pick the judges anymore than the Prez is suppossed to write laws. I think that your observation goes once again to the issue that rraley brought up some weeks ago, that being when is a minority big enough to listen to? If the Senate was comprised of 99 Republicans and 1 Democrat, should that one Democrat have the right to veto a judge nominee? How about a 70/30 split? While having a smaller split gives the minority a feeling of power, the truth is that it is, and should be, the perogative of the majority to decide who gets the bench.
What bothers me is that once again, our stupid fellow citizens have been duped by the Democrats and the media. I heard about several polls today that showed a majority of Americans believe that it should continue to take 60 votes to approve a judge and that the rules shouldn't be changed to allow the approval of a judge by a simple majority of 51!!! These people have actually been duped into thinking that the Republicans are trying to change the law from 60 votes to 51 votes, and don't even realize that the rules are that a simple majority determines the judges fate.
The rules are, and have been, that a simple majority is all that's needed to approve a judge. Nothing's changed except for the Democrats not wanting to see pro-life judges get a seat on the bench. This is not about unqualified judges, it's about abortion. If the President were nominating cronies, or unqualified judges, I would agree with your concerns, but that's not the case. The Democrats have shown they can't win going the legislative route, so they have to rely on judges, and they'll do anything they can to oppose judges who won't let them impose their views.