The Last Sopranos


They call me ... Sarcasmo
My thoughts exactly! (See PUNK'D) They blew the finale of Rome and now this...W......T......F?


Material Girl
PREMO Member
I was ticked at the ending at first, but now I'm glad they didn't whack him. Good article.

Cooler heads, and I’ll bet, when the dust settles, most viewers, will savor the rings, and with them, the genius of an ending that set up every one of the signs of Mafia doom, without pulling the trigger.

Nondescript Baseball Cap Guy will forever be drinking coffee in that booth. Gray-Jacket Mook’s permanently in the bathroom. The hip-hop gangstas will always be standing at the jukebox. Nobody’s whacking anybody.

And our loving family, because you had to see Sunday night, finally, that that’s what they are, will forever be ordering the All-American burger special with homemade ice cream for dessert, after Meadow’s parking problems proved just to be ineptitude, and not the horrible coincidence that would leave her either the only survivor, or the only victim of final, horrible carnage.


New Member
Pete said:
I thought my Direct TV went out. :mad:
But then I remembered, earlier this season, Bobby and Tony had a conversation on the lake about when you get whacked, how there is no sound, nothing, blackness and this is what happened to us the audience, and Tony. Perhaps we were seeing Tony's point of view.... something to think about..."it just happens, you don't even know it".
I did enjoy seeing Phil Leotardo get whacked-then the SUV drifting over his head! :yay:
And as for Paulie, I loved the bit w/the cat.