The Left-Wing Circular Firing Squad


PREMO Member
It, like most everything Democrats do, was a lie.

Rather than recognize they were doing things against the “will of the people,” they doubled-down. The people overwhelmingly don’t want it, and the screamers of “THIS IS WHAT DEMOCRACY LOOKS LIKE” are ignoring their will and pushing forward because that’s what fascists do.

“Democrats should stop hiding and start fighting Republicans on hot-button education issues like battles over teaching racial issues in school, according to polling at the heart of a new push by the American Federation of Teachers ahead of the midterm elections,” starts a post on the liberal blog NBC News. That’s a long way from just a few months ago when they denied they were doing it. But don’t worry, you can totally trust them with your kids…

(Same goes for trans-story time and the concept of grooming kids into rejecting reality, but that’s for another day.)

Leftists can’t even control themselves enough to help other leftists lie on their behalf.

CNN’s Fareed Zakaria wrote an op-ed for the Washington Post hoping to help Democrats win, or at least lose less, in November because that’s what “serious journalists” do, they take sides. The headline was simple, “Forget Pronouns: Democrats need to become the party of building things.”
