The Left's Hatred of America


PREMO Member
Back in 2012 at a town hall meeting, a woman asked me if I thought there were socialists in Congress. I replied by stating that there were some 75-80 socialist and communists in the US Congress. Well, that sent some folks into an apoplectic meltdown; however, it was the truth. At that time when one assessed the membership of the Congressional Progressive Caucus that assertion was pretty accurate. We must recognize that the reference "progressive" was just a slick renaming of European communists who sought to export their philosophy of governance, albeit a flawed one, to the United States.

Fast forward to today and there is no debate that progressives, socialists, Marxists, statists, and communists have but one goal in mind. It is the objective articulated by Barack Obama, America's first openly socialist president, in the final days of the 2008 election. He stated at a rally in Columbia, Missouri, "we are just five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America."

And now we clearly see what that transformation means--a redefining of the longest running Constitutional Republic that the world has ever known, borne out of a sheer, unequivocal, and maniacal hatred of this nation.

How else can one discern the abhorrent events of the past 16 months of the Biden administration, Obama's third term, and not recognize this?



Well-Known Member
I cannot wrap my head around such a self-destructive idea that drives Liberals and many Democrats to vote for the constant crippling of our nation. That level of self-loathing and utter contempt shows a very wicked heart.
Joe Biden's stolen election doesn't bother them. They smugly glory in the idea that they pulled it off.
Seeing retirement funds losing tens of thousands of dollars this year...doesn't bother them.
They deflect inflation as some greedy capitalist scheme.
They scream about free speech while trying to muzzle any divergent thought.
They shiver and wail over losing "their Democracy" without a slightest idea that we do not live in a Democracy. (If we did live in a Democracy...certain areas of this country would be completely purged of ANY democrats.)
They glorify "Heroes" who deserve shame & deportation....even jail time.

So...these sentiments cost me my last job. Yes free speech was completely replaced by approved Newspeak, and 3 polite apologies only seemed to empower them more....they were not satisfied. I was vilified and packed up 30+ years of loyalty....then shown the door.

This is what Democrats will do.


Well-Known Member
I cannot wrap my head around such a self-destructive idea that drives Liberals and many Democrats to vote for the constant crippling of our nation. That level of self-loathing and utter contempt shows a very wicked heart.
Joe Biden's stolen election doesn't bother them. They smugly glory in the idea that they pulled it off.
Seeing retirement funds losing tens of thousands of dollars this year...doesn't bother them.
They deflect inflation as some greedy capitalist scheme.
They scream about free speech while trying to muzzle any divergent thought.
They shiver and wail over losing "their Democracy" without a slightest idea that we do not live in a Democracy. (If we did live in a Democracy...certain areas of this country would be completely purged of ANY democrats.)
They glorify "Heroes" who deserve shame & deportation....even jail time.

So...these sentiments cost me my last job. Yes free speech was completely replaced by approved Newspeak, and 3 polite apologies only seemed to empower them more....they were not satisfied. I was vilified and packed up 30+ years of loyalty....then shown the door.

This is what Democrats will do.
As you watch competent people being replaced by incompetents because of racial quota's and Affirmative Action and these people lowering the standards for promotions in order to get the proper quota's for promotion you have a choice of speaking up or just watching it happen.
If you speak up you are not expressing an opinion or a fact You are RACIST.

If you watch the criminal activists and murders in Democrat cities you can speak up about it but if you do you are RACIST.

You can watch as people like Lori Lightfoot ,Stacey Abrams, Eleonor Holmes Norton ,Ilhan Omar, Maxine Waters et. al. , who are racists themselves get elected and do their bit to destroy Democracy and you can shut up and watch or be called a RACIST.

But now you are no longer a RACIST, you are now a White Supremacist. You may have never belonged to a White Supremacist organization in fact you never did, but you expressed an opinion and now that senile old man--who is moldering away --the man in the most powerful position in our country who was himself called a racist by his female Vice President calls you a White Supremacist. Not because you are but because you are merely white.


Well-Known Member
I cannot wrap my head around such a self-destructive idea that drives Liberals and many Democrats to vote for the constant crippling of our nation. That level of self-loathing and utter contempt shows a very wicked heart.
Joe Biden's stolen election doesn't bother them. They smugly glory in the idea that they pulled it off.
Seeing retirement funds losing tens of thousands of dollars this year...doesn't bother them.
They deflect inflation as some greedy capitalist scheme.
They scream about free speech while trying to muzzle any divergent thought.
They shiver and wail over losing "their Democracy" without a slightest idea that we do not live in a Democracy. (If we did live in a Democracy...certain areas of this country would be completely purged of ANY democrats.)
They glorify "Heroes" who deserve shame & deportation....even jail time.

So...these sentiments cost me my last job. Yes free speech was completely replaced by approved Newspeak, and 3 polite apologies only seemed to empower them more....they were not satisfied. I was vilified and packed up 30+ years of loyalty....then shown the door.

This is what Democrats will do.

You are quiet these days. I have missed reading you.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
So...these sentiments cost me my last job. Yes free speech was completely replaced by approved Newspeak, and 3 polite apologies only seemed to empower them more....they were not satisfied. I was vilified and packed up 30+ years of loyalty....then shown the door.

I'm sorry to hear that. But not surprised - anyone in your profession who dares criticize Socialist and Communist regimes, or not buy fully wholly lock stock and barrel into the progbot agenda is punished.

I don't get it either. I mean, I know why the overlords are doing it, but I don't understand why We the People are buying in. I'm convinced you have to be functionally retarded or mentally ill to be a Democrat, and they get that way because they're all on drugs.

That's why Democrat politicians blahblah but they don't really want to do anything about the "opioid crisis" - if we take away all the drug addicts and profiteers, who'll vote for them?


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
That's why Democrat politicians blahblah but they don't really want to do anything about the "opioid crisis" - if we take away all the drug addicts and profiteers, who'll vote for them?
They'll still have the whackos and perverts.