The logic of madness...

Larry Gude

Strung Out,10117,18066746-1702,00.html?from=rss

Wile E already posted this but I think it bares repeating.

They're pizzed at Denmark and some freaking cartoons so, naturally, they want to post cartoons in retaliation.

Israel. Not Denmark. Israel.

Now, think about the logic a bit. Think about the mindset that when, presumably, hurt, lashes out at a distinctly third party.

What does that tell you? What does it reveal?


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Staff member
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
They're pizzed at Denmark and some freaking cartoons so, naturally, they want to post cartoons in retaliation.

Israel. Not Denmark. Israel.

Now, think about the logic a bit. Think about the mindset that when, presumably, hurt, lashes out at a distinctly third party.

What does that tell you? What does it reveal?

Israel is a HEN? :shrug:


Well-Known Member
All roads lead to Rome?

It sounds like some of the Aryans who go ballistic with the Jewish conspiracy theories: Jewish mafia runs Las vegas...Jews own all the major networks...Jews Rule Hollywood...and thus only shallow pawns bow to the jewish powers behind the government....!!!


It seems that Moslems have that same weird viewpoint. Jewish editors of papers urged their dim-witted cartoonists to insult islam,...the Mousaad brought it to the attention of Saudi Arabia,...who published it when their Crown Prince's popularity was distract the masses and create a Furor...which would injure innocent civilians and create panic among the elites of Europe...who...

Ain't payback sweet?
AH HA!...see, it all makes perfect sense (to an Aryan or a moslem... :lmao: )
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Asperger's Poster Child
Hessian said:
It sounds like some of the Aryans who go ballistic with the Jewish conspiracy theories: Jewish mafia runs Las vegas...Jews own all the major networks...Jews Rule Hollywood...and thus only shallow pawns bow to the jewish powers behind the government....!!!
Don't forget the old chestnut from the civil rights era--nothern Jewish liberals supposedly using Southern blacks to oppress poor Southern whites.

You make an excellent point about conspiracy theories, which are ways for people to avoid taking responsibility for their own lives. I think the mindset you mentioned isn't just about Islam, it's also about economic and political resentment. Many Muslims sees the wealth from oil going to only a few people, like the fattened oligarchs in Saudi Arabia, and they feel threatened by the overwhelming dominance of Western media. They feel like they have no control over their lives, so they take the easy way out and find convenient villains like America and Israel. That is why Bin Laden has been successful in finding recruits for his murderous campaign--he's a master at manipulating Muslims' sense of resentment along with their religious passions. In that sense, he's not much different from race hustlers like Al Sharpton.


Working for the weekend
Larry Gude said:,10117,18066746-1702,00.html?from=rss

Wile E already posted this but I think it bares repeating.

They're pizzed at Denmark and some freaking cartoons so, naturally, they want to post cartoons in retaliation.

Israel. Not Denmark. Israel.

Now, think about the logic a bit. Think about the mindset that when, presumably, hurt, lashes out at a distinctly third party.

What does that tell you? What does it reveal?

Militants in Iraq have called for the seizure and killing of Danes and the boycott of Danish goods. In London, there were placards demanding the beheading of those who insulted Islam.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
They protest cartoons comparing them to vicious animals by...acting like vicious animals. :lol: :crazy:


The west has created a monster by appeasing these barbarians and their barbaric acts for too long.

There is no logic, no rationale. The Imams look for anything to keep shiat stirred up and keep the pointer at Isreal. A book, a cartoon, a documentary it really doesn't matter. I think they do it to keep the "fear factor" up. If the west stops fearing what crazy shiat they are going to do now they lose their edge.
Larry Gude said:
Now, think about the logic a bit. Think about the mindset that when, presumably, hurt, lashes out at a distinctly third party.

What does that tell you? What does it reveal?

That they are Democrats?