The Lucid Dreamer: Wake Up Inside Your Dreams


Lawful neutral

What if you could control your dreams? The Lucid Dreamer is the world's first reliable lucid dream-inducing device using EEG and tACS.

•You can go on exhilarating adventures; fly across brilliant landscapes, battle cyborg dinosaurs in space, explore the depths of the ocean as a mermaid, or have afternoon tea with Ghandi. You get the picture.
•Explore your most intimate fantasies (we did say ‘limitless’, didn’t we?)
•Speak with your inner self through dream characters and gain valuable insights into your subconscious mind.
•Practice any skill from public speaking, to playing guitar, to basketball – and actually get better at it in real life!
•Play with your creativity. Your brain is an incredibly powerful creative tool – use this direct access to help write a song, develop a story, build structures and more!


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I have big plans for this thing.

After I thought about it for a second I can see a lot of downside in this device as well. There are some sick folks out there among us and if this were to really work they would get to "live" out their wildest fantasies. I just want to play for the Yankees and bang supermodels.


Lawful neutral
I want to ride a war alpaca while wearing a zoot suit and learn Tibetan magic on an Island of Amazon beauties who worship alpacas.


professional daydreamer
I think we're all born with the ability to do this, and somewhere along the lines we lose that ability. I don't think there are any devices needed to do this. I used to do it all the time. At some point it just went away. It's my understanding that this sort of thing, once lost, is very difficult to regain until you become quite elderly. Maybe it has something to do with our mobility, our ability to get up and go, instead of just dreaming about it.


Well-Known Member
I have lucid dreams fairly often. Usually I wake up soon after I become aware that I am dreaming, but not always. Almost always I end up staring at something (a tree, a stream, a building) and thinking something similar to "Damn, my brain must have a great GPU. Look at the detail in these textures".