The M2-F1, NASA's "Flying Bathtub."


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
B-52 Pilot: "Roger. BCS Arm switch is on."
NASA One: "Okay, Victor."
B-52 Pilot: "Lining Rocket Arm switch is on."
B-52 Pilot: "Here comes the throttle. Circuit breakers in."
Steve Austin (voice of Lee Majors): "We have separation."
Chase plane: "Roger."
B-52 Pilot: "Inboard and outboards are on."
B-52 Pilot: "I'm coming forward with the sidestick"
NASA One: "Looks good."
B-52 Pilot: "Ah, Roger."
Steve Austin: "I've got a blow-out - damper three!"
Chase plane: "Get your pitch to zero."
Steve Austin: "Pitch is out! I can't hold altitude!"
B-52 Pilot: "Correction, Alpha Hold is off, turn selectors Emergency!"
Steve Austin: "Flight Com! I can't hold it! She's breaking up, she's break..."