The man fomerly known as Vanilla Ice coming to town.....


"Typical White Person"
"Alright stop, colloberate and listen"

Rob Van Winkle aka. Vanilla Ice is suppose to be coming to Cattamaran's Fri. April 20th, Tiki Bar weekend.

Hopefully Sug' Knight shows up and dangles him off the 2nd story balcony.


My 401K is now a 201K
A brief bio..

"1990[size=-1]Hit Ice Ice Baby, in which he blatantly rips off a 1982 Queen riff from Under Pressure. Inexplicably sells 15 million copies. Settles out of court with Queen/Bowie. Ice claims Suge Knight forced the issue at gunpoint: "He took me over to the balcony, and he had me look over. He says to me, 'You're gonna sign these papers'... I signed it. I gave millions away." [/size]


AK-74me said:
"Alright stop, colloberate and listen"

Rob Van Winkle aka. Vanilla Ice is suppose to be coming to Cattamaran's Fri. April 20th, Tiki Bar weekend.

Hopefully Sug' Knight shows up and dangles him off the 2nd story balcony.

I'm sure you'll have front row seats since you dress and talk just like him. :razz:


"Typical White Person"
Yup, and you got those gay shoulder pads sewn into your uniform, I saw you in the arms room primpin'.


AK-74me said:
Yup, and you got those gay shoulder pads sewn into your uniform, I saw you in the arms room primpin'.

Don't be jealous cuz I have monstrous shoulders and cuz you wanna be like me. One of these days I'll show you the ropes :elaine:


NOT Politically Correct!!
Sorry, no interest in hearing a guy who made platinum records, filled stadiums and now is a headliner at Catamarans in SOMD... :lmao:

Video for Ice Ice Baby voted on MTV the #9 lamest video of all time

NOT, NOT Me baby... :wench:
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Asperger's Poster Child
I never heard the stories about Suge and Vanilla Ice.

I liked Dennis Miller's poetic revenge on SNL. After Vanilla Ice did "Ice Ice Baby," Weekend Update led off with "Under Pressure," with the audience erupting in cheers when they recognized the original song. Dennis Miller gave a big grin and make a joke about Bowie's music sounding like it was written just yesterday.


Taking out trailer trash
sockgirl77 said:
I was driving through Cocoa Beach on A1A (Beachfront Avenue) yesterday and could not get the damn song out of my head. :jameo:
Is baby #3 going to see any royalties from Daddy's 'Ice, Ice, Baby' days?