State Police The Maryland State Police, College Park Barrack, Calls For Service/Arrest: 6/15/20-6/21/20


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This press release is designed to inform the public of our commitment to ensuring safety and enforcing the laws in Maryland.

Our message this week is stay off the cell phone/mobile device when driving. The law states:

“Text messaging device” means a handheld device used to send a text message or an electronic message via a short message service, wireless telephone service, or electronic communication network. In general, an individual may not use a text messaging device to write, send, or read a text message or an electronic message while operating a motor vehicle in the travel portion of the roadway. It also includes cellphone calls. There are some exceptions to this law but if an officer sees a text messaging device, a mobile device or cell phone in your hand while you are driving, you most likely will be stopped and given a ticket or a warning.

We strongly urge everyone to stay off the mobile devices and give a 100% of your attention to your driving. There is nothing so important you need to look at while you are driving. If it is, then pull into a parking lot or somewhere safe, stop your vehicle and then use your mobile device at that time. Our family’s lives depend on it.

Reporting period 6/15/20-6/21/20

Vehicle collisions that required a report: 29

Vehicle collisions that did not require a report: 17

Disabled/Unattended Vehicles/Community Policing: 25

DUI arrests: 14

Miscellaneous: 36

Premise checks: 51

Probable cause searches for drugs: 2

Traffic stops: 454

Vehicle storages: 1

Criminal/civil investigations: 27 (Drugs, Theft, Assault, Domestic Violence, Warrants)

Below is a list of individuals that were arrested in this time period:

Date/Time: Last name: First name: Charge:

06/15/2020 0724MARSTREMAYNEDriving On Suspended License
06/16/2020 2206GomezJoseDUI
06/17/2020 0036HallBryanDUI
06/17/2020 0535AshutangtangJohnstoneDUI
06/17/2020 1145ArmstrongTonyWarrant
06/18/2020 0201EasterTanyaDUI
06/18/2020 1414MEJIA-SORTOEVERWarrant
06/19/2020 0133DavisMylishaDUI
06/19/2020 0202MINORRICKYDUI
06/19/2020 0938De Leon JoseEmelyWarrant
06/19/2020 2324TranVanDUI
06/20/2020Jones, Jr.ShaunDUI
06/20/2020Lopez CabreraGeysonDUI
06/20/2020Perez MendezPrudencioDUI








CONTACT: D/Sgt. Pietanza, Maryland State Police, College Park Barrack, (301)345-3101

Source: Maryland MVA

Disclaimer: In the U.S.A., all persons accused of a crime by the State are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. See: Additionally, all of the information provided above is solely from the perspective of the respective law enforcement agency and does not provide any direct input from the accused or persons otherwise mentioned. You can find additional information about the case by searching the Maryland Judiciary Case Search Database using the accused's name and date of birth. The database is online at . Persons named who have been found innocent or not guilty of all charges in the respective case, and/or have had the case ordered expunged by the court can have their name, age, and city redacted by following the process defined at