State Police The Maryland State Police, College Park Barrack, Calls For Service/Arrest: 7/22/19-7/28/19


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This press release is designed to inform the public of our commitment to ensuring safety and enforcing the laws in Maryland.

Our message this week is stay off the cell phone/mobile device when driving. The law states:

“Text messaging device” means a handheld device used to send a text message or an electronic message via a short message service, wireless telephone service, or electronic communication network. In general, an individual may not use a text messaging device to write, send, or read a text message or an electronic message while operating a motor vehicle in the travel portion of the roadway. It also includes cellphone calls. There are some exceptions to this law but if an officer sees a text messaging device, a mobile device or cell phone in your hand while you are driving, you most likely will be stopped and given a ticket or a warning.

We strongly urge everyone to stay off the mobile devices and give a 100% of your attention to your driving. There is nothing so important you need to look at while you are driving. If it is, then pull into a parking lot or somewhere safe, stop your vehicle and then use your mobile device at that time. Our family’s lives depend on it.

Reporting period 7/22/19-7/28/19

Vehicle collisions that required a report: 42

Vehicle collisions that did not require a report: 44

Community policing activity: 3

Disabled/unattended vehicles: 20

DUI arrests: 8

Miscellaneous: 14

Premise checks: 18

Probable cause searches for drugs: 2

Traffic stops: 290

Vehicle storages: 3

Criminal/civil investigations: 13 (Drugs, Theft, Assault, Domestic Violence, Warrants)

Below is a list of individuals that were arrested in this time period:

Date/Time: Last name: First name: Charge:

07/22/2019 1625RobinsonWarrenWarrant
07/22/2019 1804IsnerMarilynDUI
07/23/2019 0314FloydDamianDUI
07/23/2019 1519GrossStevenWarrant
07/23/2019 1625GailJasmineWarrant
07/25/2019 0203JacksonCedricCivil Poss Marijuana -Less Than 10 Grams
07/26/2019 0945KellyFrederickWarrant
07/27/2019 0126RundhawaShamarDUI
07/27/2019 0210CanalesJoseDUI
07/27/2019 1817VillatoroSoniaDUI
07/28/2019 1951ColonCarlosDUI
07/28/2019 2151ForsytheChristopherDUI
07/29/2019 0357MuiliIbrahimDUI

CONTACT: D/Sgt. Pietanza, Maryland State Police, College Park Barrack, (301)345-3101