The morning after... scrapbooking honeymoon sex

Wedding photographers are being invited to an unusual kind of afterparty.

Brides and grooms — who already often obsessively document their first kiss, first cake slice and first dance — are adding yet another first to their wedding photographer’s list: the morning after.

Sexy shoots featuring rumpled beds and steamy showers are a hot new trend within the wedding business. As the seating charts and floral arrangements fade into memory, these intimate photo shoots take place in newlyweds’ bedrooms or even the hotels where they’ve spent their first night as husband and wife.

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Do you like apples?
Hell, why not have the videographer and photographer shoot during the action. :dye:
Then you can make $ selling the footage on the internet.


Lawful neutral
Next they’ll be saving honeymoon sweat for your first anniversary instead of eating freezer burned cake. :mad: I love cake.


New Member
This makes me laugh because if someone had taken the next days pics of my husband and I they would have been sad, he was severely hung over and pathetic and I was mad. The dummy thought the rose petals so nicely put on the floor to be romantic by the hotel were potato chips.


wandering aimlessly
I find it amazing that anyone would think the bride and groom would be sexually transformed after the wedding night. I'd bet a good 90 percent did not wait for the wedding night to consummate the relationship. In fact most probably do nothing but pass out that night from too much partying or traveling to their honeymoon destination.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I hope they follow this up with pictures of their first knock down, drag out fight.


New Member
I find it amazing that anyone would think the bride and groom would be sexually transformed after the wedding night. I'd bet a good 90 percent did not wait for the wedding night to consummate the relationship. In fact most probably do nothing but pass out that night from too much partying or traveling to their honeymoon destination.


Say cheese....


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Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I find it amazing that anyone would think the bride and groom would be sexually transformed after the wedding night. I'd bet a good 90 percent did not wait for the wedding night to consummate the relationship. In fact most probably do nothing but pass out that night from too much partying or traveling to their honeymoon destination.

Why save and preserve the wedding gown? Just keep the bottom sheet of the honeymoon bed and all the bridesmaids undies..........