The Moron Lives To Breath Yet Another Clueless LTE


New Member
Steven "Clueless Moron" Brennan of Waldorf, MD is getting out his yearly whine. I wish people like this were not allowed to breath.

The Moron Lives To Breath Yet Another Clueless Letter To The Editor in The Maryland Independent Newspaper:

Tired of pictures of dead deer

I am seriously considering canceling my subscription to the Maryland Independent. I am very tired of seeing photographs of children posing with guns and dead animals that they have just killed.

We have a very serious problem with gun violence and animal abuse in this country, so teaching children that killing and wounding animals is fun is just plain child abuse. These children are just trying to get the approval of their father and are not old enough to understand the consequences of what they are doing to ecosystems and all of the wildlife in those ecosystems.

Hunting is not natural predation and is so effective and industrialized that it is causing huge impacts to the environment when state game agencies modify landscapes and kill predators to promote larger deer herds. State game agencies and gun advocates are trying to get young children hooked on guns and hunting because it pays their salaries. They are no better than drug dealers preying on children.

State game regulations still encourage more bucks to be killed and the Maryland Department of Fish and Game will not tell the public how many does are killed and how many bucks. They only report the numbers of antlered and antlerless deer killed.

Because of the artificially created buck-to-doe ratio and heavy hunting, does are having twins and even triplets so the deer population just keeps growing every year. Obviously if hunters can easily massacre 100,000 deer every year, the number of deer is not going down and DNR is understating the number of deer that are actually in the state. Until the buck-to-doe ratio reaches a natural 50-50 ratio the deer herd will only continue to grow larger.

You have a very biased pro-hunter, progun column written by James Drake that gives out a lot of propaganda supporting DNR’s pro-hunting position that leaves little state land available to nonhunters during the majority of the year. You have no one giving the facts regarding the severe impact that guns and hunting have on ecosytems and people here in the United States and around the world. We will lose most of our wildlife species if hunters are given free rein.

The Maryland Independent should give long thought to abetting this destruction as I am giving long thought to whether I want to support an anti-animal newspaper.

Steven W. Brennan, Waldorf


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Steven "Clueless Moron" Brennan of Waldorf, MD is getting out his yearly whine. I wish people like this were not allowed to breath.

The Moron Lives To Breath Yet Another Clueless Letter To The Editor in The Maryland Independent Newspaper:

Tired of pictures of dead deer

I am seriously considering canceling my subscription to the Maryland Independent. I am very tired of seeing photographs of children posing with guns and dead animals that they have just killed.

We have a very serious problem with gun violence and animal abuse in this country, so teaching children that killing and wounding animals is fun is just plain child abuse. These children are just trying to get the approval of their father and are not old enough to understand the consequences of what they are doing to ecosystems and all of the wildlife in those ecosystems.

Hunting is not natural predation and is so effective and industrialized that it is causing huge impacts to the environment when state game agencies modify landscapes and kill predators to promote larger deer herds. State game agencies and gun advocates are trying to get young children hooked on guns and hunting because it pays their salaries. They are no better than drug dealers preying on children.

State game regulations still encourage more bucks to be killed and the Maryland Department of Fish and Game will not tell the public how many does are killed and how many bucks. They only report the numbers of antlered and antlerless deer killed.

Because of the artificially created buck-to-doe ratio and heavy hunting, does are having twins and even triplets so the deer population just keeps growing every year. Obviously if hunters can easily massacre 100,000 deer every year, the number of deer is not going down and DNR is understating the number of deer that are actually in the state. Until the buck-to-doe ratio reaches a natural 50-50 ratio the deer herd will only continue to grow larger.

You have a very biased pro-hunter, progun column written by James Drake that gives out a lot of propaganda supporting DNR’s pro-hunting position that leaves little state land available to nonhunters during the majority of the year. You have no one giving the facts regarding the severe impact that guns and hunting have on ecosytems and people here in the United States and around the world. We will lose most of our wildlife species if hunters are given free rein.

The Maryland Independent should give long thought to abetting this destruction as I am giving long thought to whether I want to support an anti-animal newspaper.

Steven W. Brennan, Waldorf
I'm sure they are quivering in fear of losing his $50.00 a year, how will they survive.


Well-Known Member
The Empty-prise caved in to this BS many years ago. I never purchased another paper from them since then.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Because of the artificially created buck-to-doe ratio and heavy hunting, does are having twins and even triplets so the deer population just keeps growing every year. Obviously if hunters can easily massacre 100,000 deer every year, the number of deer is not going down and DNR is understating the number of deer that are actually in the state. Until the buck-to-doe ratio reaches a natural 50-50 ratio the deer herd will only continue to grow larger.

Does are having twins and triplets due to a low buck to doe ratio? What an idiot. Twins are the norm when there is ample food to support the herd. I assume he is thinking that bucks are monogamous and really just want to settle down with their chosen doe and have 2.3 fawns and live in harmony with the other woodland fauna ala Disney. What an ill informed, ignorant nut job.


Because of the artificially created buck-to-doe ratio and heavy hunting, does are having twins and even triplets so the deer population just keeps growing every year. Obviously if hunters can easily massacre 100,000 deer every year, the number of deer is not going down and DNR is understating the number of deer that are actually in the state. Until the buck-to-doe ratio reaches a natural 50-50 ratio the deer herd will only continue to grow larger.

Does are having twins and triplets due to a low buck to doe ratio? What an idiot. Twins are the norm when there is ample food to support the herd. I assume he is thinking that bucks are monogamous and really just want to settle down with their chosen doe and have 2.3 fawns and live in harmony with the other woodland fauna ala Disney. What an ill informed, ignorant nut job.

Glad it wasnt me! I was still trying to wrap my mind around that convoluted logic myself - that paragraph in particular. :lmao:


Silence!!! I Kill You!!!
"State game regulations still encourage more bucks to be killed and the Maryland Department of Fish and Game will not tell the public how many does are killed and how many bucks. They only report the numbers of antlered and antlerless deer killed."

Uhhhhhhh....yeah. News Flash: The ones WITH antlers are definately the bucks. :lmao:


New Member
"State game regulations still encourage more bucks to be killed and the Maryland Department of Fish and Game will not tell the public how many does are killed and how many bucks. They only report the numbers of antlered and antlerless deer killed."

Uhhhhhhh....yeah. News Flash: The ones WITH antlers are definately the bucks. :lmao:

The point may be that "antlerless" actually includes bucks (such as button) that have not grown points of at least 1".


Finishing last
The real point is there are not enough natural predators in our current environment to keep the population of deer in check. There is no way to get reliable birth control into any sort of feed, and unless we can get some moronic, misguided, self stylized, animal lover to go around putting condoms on all the buck willies before they engage in procreation the best bet is hunting. Wait, maybe we can get them to insert the nuvo ring in the does!

Note: Birth control would cost the taxpayers money, (the studies already have), hunting generates money through permits. (hmmmmm)

I used to hunt every year. I never squeezed the trigger unless I had more than a reasonable sense of a clean kill. There is nothing less humane about a well educated, well trained hunter, at any age, taking a deer, than beef, chickens or pigs being slaughtered.

Also, it doesn't matter how many bucks you kill, bucks don't give birth! It only takes one to impregnate all the does within its range. Ratio means nothing. Number of available of age does is the only real information of interest.



I bowl overhand
I think Steve needs to do his research.

Kids tjat grow up hunting and shooting sports are much LESS likely to be involved in a gun crime or gun violence than a child that doesn't have a clue. You think the Felons on GMR spent their childhoods with their dad in the woods hunting? Not a chance, they can't even comprehend life or death let alone right from wrong.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
What a great country we live in where you are free to voice your opinion.


Obama destroyed America
There is no way to get reliable birth control into any sort of feed, and unless we can get some moronic, misguided, self stylized, animal lover to go around putting condoms on all the buck willies before they engage in procreation the best bet is hunting. Wait, maybe we can get them to insert the nuvo ring in the does! :coffee:

Having struck 3 deer in 6 weeks, I do believe the regs. should require a doe be taken before a buck. I know many hunters who pass on does to bag the trophy. JMO


Active Member
As long as the Deer are being used for food, I have no problem with it. I don't have any statistics, but I'd rather see a Deer die, than I would a person who was killed in an accident with one any day. I had a Cousin that was killed in a Car Vs Deer crash. We have to thin them out, and that's for sure.