The Mother's Curse


Witchy Woman
Remember your mom saying, "I hope you have a daughter just like you when you grow up!!!!!!"? Remember rolling your eyes and laughing at her?

Well I don't laugh anymore. I know now that Mother's Curse is indeed THE most powerful curse in the cosmos.

Sometimes, only my fear of prison keeps my 13 year old alive. Today, however it is ONLY because I know she get's her "a-t-t-i-t-u-d-e" naturally.

She is deep and she is dark, and she is too intelligent for her own good. She uses that intelligence mixed with her " I am the poop" attitude to drive me slowly insane. :jameo:

So I called Mom to "thank" her today and then I cursed my own child. With 3 just like her.


:sniggle: I hear ya, I got 3 of my own just like me!! It's just not right that our mom's can do such things to us!! I told my daughter that someday she was going to have children and they were going to do to her what she does to me and she pipes up and says thats what you think I'm not having any kids!! The little snot! :lmao:


Witchy Woman
Mousebaby said:
:sniggle: I hear ya, I got 3 of my own just like me!! It's just not right that our mom's can do such things to us!! I told my daughter that someday she was going to have children and they were going to do to her what she does to me and she pipes up and says thats what you think I'm not having any kids!! The little snot! :lmao:

I have 4. ALL girls. 3 teens and a 9 year old. My oldest and my 14 year old are just nicer than the 13 year old.

I was talking to my 9 year old recently about her going to college, getting rich and taking care of me and daddy in our old age...and she told me she'd find me a real nice old people home. :mad:


Well-Known Member
MysticalMom said:
I have 4. ALL girls. 3 teens and a 9 year old. My oldest and my 14 year old are just nicer than the 13 year old.

I was talking to my 9 year old recently about her going to college, getting rich and taking care of me and daddy in our old age...and she told me she'd find me a real nice old people home. :mad:

Would you want your Mom living with you....? :jameo: