The muppets - manamana


Bookseller Lady
Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba manna

That skit is on the Season 1 DVD set.

That was "my show" to watch at night as a kid and the very first movie I ever went to was the first Muppet Movie.

Why are there so many songs about rainbows and whats on the ooother side....:whistle:

Old boyfriend of mine worked for Sesame Street just after college. Now that was a cool job! At the end of his interview he got to go behind Oscar's
trashcan :lol:. And he got to meet Johnny Cash.

And of course there was Fraggle Rock.
Dance your cares away...worries for another day ...

I was in High School when Jim Henson died, but still bawled my eyes out.

[End Gen-Xer nostalgia rambling]

Novus Collectus

New Member
I was just out of high school when that happened. Just a month or so later I had a former English teacher die of almost the exact same thing and just as fast.

Even at that age I was still hoping for years more of his work.
Can never be too old to like the Muppets.