The Nationals...


Well-Known Member
well, I am glad the injured players are filtering back into the line up. maybe though, a tad too soon. Ryan Zimmerman seems to be adjusting well, and Anthony Rendon is doing quite well, but can any of you say Jason Werth is 100%? I dont think so. those other players that filled in the spots did quite well and got the team where they are. so now they are back on the bench....I dont know about that.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
those other players that filled in the spots did quite well and got the team where they are. so now they are back on the bench....I dont know about that.

Where they were was a game over .500 on a team that should be running away with the division. You gotta get your best players back and and now is the time so they can get back up to speed. Maybe the fill ins become every day players. Maybe they don't. The guys that were every day got that way for reasons.


The Nationals needed more pitching last fall, needing a couple of late relievers and got a closer instead. It's a decent move, I guess but, we all saw how critical the arms were in last years playoffs were for every one. That and a vet player who shines at key moments. That's the guys coming back from injury.


Active Member
I remain optimistic. The move they made at the deadline was a good one. Sucked for Storen but overall, the pen got better. Storen will be gone at year's end so we need to get use to that. They didn't need to do much more than they did because they, in sense, brought in 4 top level talents with the return of Zimmerman, Werth, Rendon and Span. No need to do more than that. These guys should be a step up above those who were filling their shoes. It just has to be understood that timing and vision/eye don't return right away. These guys will need a little time to get back to speed. At that point, they should be a pretty strong offense.

If we can get the pitching staff to pitch at their averages - they should be good as well.

Things are definately interesting and the Mets had a great trade deadline move. Coupled with their arms, they are going to be tough so we can let them hang around too long. This will certainly make for some fun games down the stretch.