the nerve!!!!


laura+flare= gone
My friend got a new horse... a "barrel" horse... and i was helping her out yesterday with him. she got on, he started crow hopping and throwing his head, she freaked and froze up, and asked "you want to get on?". So i did, get on,He tried all that stuff, i yelled at him to stop, he settled a little, then i switched from one hand to two. Thats when he really started working with me, i got his head down, him walking and troting smoothly, and stopping with ease. I found out that he dosnt like you to be in his mouth, because he has this HARSH bit( with a shank like a foot long), that you cant have any leg pressure or he will start getting hyper, and that he stops when you put your wieght back. This takes about 30 min to get him relaxed and show him where not going to run,run,run ( which i think he was tought), got hat head nice and pretty, on the verticle, and had him turning good (on the haunches). then my friend goes "i wanna ride".
So she rides, i'm giving her tips and pointers, he was working ok for her but not as nice as he was for me. She braves up and gets into a SLOW lope(a four beat type), then goes " you want to canter him?". I get on Get him working w/j around the round pen, then start with a lope, and when he started working good like that i lengthened his stride little by little. Then she goes "i want to canter him" so i get off, she gets on, starts working him then my mom says somthing, she(my friend) rolls her eyes and ignors her... My mom goes " if your not going to listen to me, we're leaving" we go to the car, mf gets off and untacks. we stayed around and she comes home with us, and today we go to a horse judging compition. while there she tells my friend about her "barrel horse" who can beat any one! :burning: Grrrrr i was doing all the work with him, and she thinks shes able to ride him!!! we was just in a ROUND PEN! The nerve!!!


laura+flare= gone
i know right! Its just she never said thank you. she thinks she knows it all! She says her other horse is 'too slow'. when i practiced that horse i had her going twice as fast as what she does! she holds the poor mare back... ::sigh:: i'm just frustrated that she dosnt want to learn... I'm giving her free advice, and praticly giving her lessons. She gets mad when i win!!!! Like at horse judging today... she was pissed that i placed!