The Never Ending Addiction to Cell Phones!


Well-Known Member
Of course we all know about the people that go off of the road and hit anything in their path or another car from their addiction to cell phones because they can't see the road when looking at their cell phone. I have no idea why the police doesn't crack down on it.

But, here is the latest addition to their "addiction". Lets say you are in line at a gas pump. There is a car in front of you at the pump. She sits there. And sits there. And sits there. After quite a while you become worried that she may have had a heart attack or other health emergency. Nope, just texting back and forth to whomever. Meanwhile cars are lining up behind you and then behind the next and so forth. You are blocked in by the car behind you. And the one behind him has him blocked. So, you can't leave to find another pump or even another gas station. You just have to wait for her. And wait. But, good news though. She didn't have an electric car that would take a couple of hours to charge. I guess some folks are in their own World and for some reason believe no one else exists. However, she was smart not to take it out of the car since the experts claim a cell phone can cause a spark and blow things up.

Probably will be other addiction indications in the future. I can't wait to see what the new ones will be.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Red lights, too. The light turns green and they sit there...and sit there....until someone finally honks at them and they go *startle* and move their ass.

Get off the freaking phone, you idiot!
I saw one of those at Wawa over the summer. She was in the car already when I got there. I filled up, went inside and came back. She still hadn't moved when I left. 🙄


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Of course we all know about the people that go off of the road and hit anything in their path or another car from their addiction to cell phones because they can't see the road when looking at their cell phone. I have no idea why the police doesn't crack down on it.

But, here is the latest addition to their "addiction". Lets say you are in line at a gas pump. There is a car in front of you at the pump. She sits there. And sits there. And sits there. After quite a while you become worried that she may have had a heart attack or other health emergency. Nope, just texting back and forth to whomever. Meanwhile cars are lining up behind you and then behind the next and so forth. You are blocked in by the car behind you. And the one behind him has him blocked. So, you can't leave to find another pump or even another gas station. You just have to wait for her. And wait. But, good news though. She didn't have an electric car that would take a couple of hours to charge. I guess some folks are in their own World and for some reason believe no one else exists. However, she was smart not to take it out of the car since the experts claim a cell phone can cause a spark and blow things up.

Probably will be other addiction indications in the future. I can't wait to see what the new ones will be.
So it's not legal in that case to use a blunt object about her head and know, just to get her attention?

It should be.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Cell phones let us know how rude a person is. My peeve is the sphincter-wipes that check out at the store while using their phone. If I were king they would be refused checkout for first offence and firing squad for second.