The new Indiana Sex Offender Registry is Outstanding!


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Not sure what other section to put this in, so I picked this one.

Indiana just did a total overhaul of their sex offender registry. What used to be a really tedious system where you had to know what street the offender lived on to find those in your area is long gone. Before you couldn't search by zip code. You couldn't search for ones near your address. You could only search by city and/or by street name.

This is changed. Indiana's registry now allows you to type in your address, and then it maps all the offenders in your neighborhood, as far out as 20 miles or as far in as a half mile radius.

It also allows you to show their photos by hovering your mouse over the marker.

It also shows the addresses where they work and/or go to school.

It's simply put, outstanding.
And I might add that it's been helpful with my househunting (although, I'm still pissed that I have to even worry about it in the first place. These child molesters should be locked up for life on the first offense).

Anyway, if y'all want to check it out, it's at

You can try this address as an example (a local fast food restaurant)
5956 Brookville Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46219

If you want to see a picture of all the offenders in the neighborhood, check out the "Map & List" tab on the search results page.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
elaine said:
This will be very useful. Thank you.

May not be real useful to y'all, but it's a good example of how it should be done.
For those of you who like writing your state officials, you could forward this one as an example.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
nomoney said:
isn't there a watchdog site that does the same thing?
:shrug: I know each state (I think) has their own. And I think there's a federal database as well, but I'm not certain.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
What irks me most is how prevalent they are.
You think you live in a small town, quiet, with not a lot of crime, but in reality you may have 5 or 6 of these guys within site of your front porch. :burning:

We've found 3 or 4 houses that we were interested in, only to find out there were convicted child molesters living two or three houses away.