The Newest Demon in the Left's Sights: Woke White Women


PREMO Member
Today it’s “Nice White Parents.” That’s the title of a new podcast distributed by the New York Times which argues that many black and brown children are not excelling in our public schools because of “what is arguably the most powerful force in our schools: White parents."

Specifically, liberal white parents who espouse enlightened views on race but then refuse to send their children to truly integrated schools – e.g. minority-majority without separate “gifted and talented” tracks -- for fear they will be shortchanging their kids. Apart from the complex educational issues at play -- including the inflammatory suggestion that minorities need to be around whites to succeed – the podcast reflects the left’s broader effort to demonize an unlikely group as it seeks to reduce every issue in American life to questions of race: liberal white women.

Trump-supporting conservatives and “patriarchal white males” are still in their crosshairs, but these women, long considered key allies in the cause, have become chief targets.
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Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
"without separate “gifted and talented” tracks"

Sure! I would want my gifted child's potential aborted to eliminate any appearance of white supremacy. Really, it is best for the child to be taught at par with the lowest performer in the class.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
When I lived on Andrews AFB, I fell for that. My son went to elementary school in Temple Hills in an 80/20 % science/technology program. I went to the school for all the visits. It seemed at that level, the teachers had a handle on things.

Things got a lot dicer when we moved to Jacksonville and the middle school magnet program was populated with ignorant 15 year olds in the 8th grade. 1 semester with that and we were out of there. It really opened up my eyes to what these programs were trying to do. It wasn't to teach technology to the students. It was to make sure they met the mandated race ratios for funding. My son could have gone to the bucolic, neighborhood school. I mistakenly thought that he'd get a better experience. Instead he endured a long bus ride to attend a school where first year teachers were quitting before the end of the 3rd semester it was so bad.

That was decades ago. And I was the one that got an education. Now I can go online and look at data for a particular school. The trick is to look for percent of students on free and reduced lunch. Then look at the percent that are proficient in Math and Reading. In all cases a high percent of lunch assistance with show a low percent of proficiency in both subjects. Most likely in the demographic data for that school, you won't find an overabundance of white or Asian students. It doesn't make you racist to take note of that. It makes you a realist to what is actually happening. In over 1,500 different school districts in the US, there isn't 1 example where whites and Asians are behind other minorities in test scores.


Well-Known Member
This article says what I have said all along.

The first ones to bail out of a neighborhood going black are the liberals.
They talk sheit, but they leave.
They talk sheit, but they don't want their kids in the schools with blacks.

The same with this ANTIFA crowd.

They are out there marching with the blacks and go home to their rich or preferential neighborhoods, they don't live with them.
It's woke BS. is what it is.
I will say it again the first thing BLM should do is run these phony assed anarchist whites out of their program.