The next VP of the United States.


New Member
Video of the next VP of the United States.

For those who didn't see it, or want to see it again.

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New Member
John McSain is desprate the lady was a mayor of a town the size of Leonardtown how is she going to lead a country.:lmao::otter::killingme

not only are you an idiot for quoting videos when you're the 2nd post and its obvious who you are replying to, you prove it over and over again with your lack of intelligence in your posts. I cant wait until you quit posting once McCain/Palin win.


not only are you an idiot for quoting videos when you're the 2nd post and its obvious who you are replying to, you prove it over and over again with your lack of intelligence in your posts. I cant wait until you quit posting once McCain/Palin win.

They are going to win a oneway ticket back to their hometown after November.:killingme


NOT Politically Correct!!
John McSain is desprate the lady was a mayor of a town the size of Leonardtown how is she going to lead a country.:lmao::otter::killingme

And has served as a Governor for 670,000 for over a year making executive decisions verse NObama 143 days senate experience and shady slum lord and Reverend friends!!! She is more qualified than NObama you idiot!!! :smack:


New Member
And has served as a Governor for 670,000 for over a year making executive decisions verse NObama 143 days senate experience and shady slum lord and Reverend friends!!! She is more qualified than NObama you idiot!!! :smack:

:high5: I think they cannot handle the rodeo burger.... The Republican party won a huge mile stone today! :yay:

But..maybe raven can click on over to youtube and post some low IQ comment about sticking his junk in Sarah's ear like the rest of the jealous slobs who cannot handle the heat did. :bigwhoop:


:high5: I think they cannot handle the rodeo burger.... The Republican party won a huge mile stone today! :yay:

But..maybe raven can click on over to youtube and post some low IQ comment about sticking his junk in Sarah's ear like the rest of the jealous slobs who cannot handle the heat did. :bigwhoop:

Face It the republican party blew it McSain should of chosen Rice or Powell if they wanted to win and they didn't so McSlain will go home again with a failed second attempt like 2000 when he got slammed by Bush.:buddies:


NOT Politically Correct!!
Face It the republican party blew it McSain should of chosen Rice or Powell if they wanted to win and they didn't so McSlain will go home again with a failed second attempt like 2000 when he got slammed by Bush.:buddies:

You're McWrong, so stick around and enjoy the view from the stern of Nobamas ship!!! :lmao:


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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Well, it's unanimous: Sarah Palin must have been a perfect choice if all our resident Lefties are piddling their Underoos over her.


Watch for them to snub her and offer no congratulations on her historic win come November.


New Member
Hey V, DU is quite.... this shut them up for a bit. :lmao:

But here are a few... (no responses - guess they haven't been peeled off the floor yet)

McCain: "Do we have our own nice Negro we can nominate? How about some broad?"

Palin giving the date of her son's deployment is a breach of National Security. My husband is in Iraq right now. Palin claims her son will deploy ON 9/11. That is bull####. It's either purely political and should be called what it is, or she has just given Al Quaeda the date that a large number of troops will be gathered. Now, as the spouse of a soldier who has deployed to Iraq more than once, I know that her claim is bull ####. My husband didn't even know when he would be leaving for sure. We were given a 'window' both times. I want this aspect jumped on. I think it was her first big mistake.

This is a campaign to end the policies and politics of the past and bring new hope to the people of this country and the world.

We're going to give teachers the money and support they need. We're going to help every citizen go to college. We're going to make the same health care Congress has available to every citizen, with subsidies for those who can't afford it. We're going to forge a new frontier in renewable energy. We're going to combat global warming. We're going to end the war in Iraq. We're going to change the face of America around the globe.

That's what this election is about. No Republican can compete with that.


NOT Politically Correct!!
Well, it's unanimous: Sarah Palin must have been a perfect choice if all our resident Lefties are piddling their Underoos over her.


Watch for them to snub her and offer no congratulations on her historic win come November.

5 more people in my office who were swing voters have emailed me today now stating they will vote for McCain!!! That's just in my office, wonder how the nation will see it. Great job McCain, NObama may talk of change, McCain showed them how to do it!!! :lmao:


New Member
5 more people in my office who were swing voters have emailed me today now stating they will vote for McCain!!! That's just in my office, wonder how the nation will see it. Great job McCain, NObama may talk of change, McCain showed them how to do it!!! :lmao:

Are you going to put in for leave for the day AFTER the election or just get a sudden flu? :lmao:

Shhhhh don't incriminate yourself but you get the idea. :whistle:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
DUers said:
Palin giving the date of her son's deployment is a breach of National Security. My husband is in Iraq right now. Palin claims her son will deploy ON 9/11. ...
They didn't even get that right. She said he enlisted on 9/11 of last year and would be deploying soon. Dingbats.
DUers said:
This is a campaign to end the policies and politics of the past and bring new hope to the people of this country and the world.

We're going to give teachers the money and support they need. We're going to help every citizen go to college. We're going to make the same health care Congress has available to every citizen, with subsidies for those who can't afford it. We're going to forge a new frontier in renewable energy. We're going to combat global warming. We're going to end the war in Iraq. We're going to change the face of America around the globe.

That's what this election is about. No Republican can compete with that.[/I]

And when everyone has a college education, they will be worthless and you will pay $300 and hour to get someone to plunge your toilet. Dingbats.


NOT Politically Correct!!
Are you going to put in for leave for the day AFTER the election or just get a sudden flu? :lmao:

Shhhhh don't incriminate yourself but you get the idea. :whistle:

Sick days and vacation days are the same at my firm, so as the manager for my office, I'll just be unavailable!!!


Well-Known Member
Face It the republican party blew it McSain should of chosen Rice or Powell if they wanted to win and they didn't so McSlain will go home again with a failed second attempt like 2000 when he got slammed by Bush.:buddies:
You keep saying "McSain". Are you trying to imply that the Republican candidate for president is different from the Democrat candidate, in that he is "sain" (as in, blessed against evil influences), or are you trying to say "sane" (as in has all of his mental faculties intact), or are you trying to type "McSame", but somehow missed what you were pretending to do?


They call me ... Sarcasmo
You keep saying "McSain". Are you trying to imply that the Republican candidate for president is different from the Democrat candidate, in that he is "sain" (as in, blessed against evil influences), or are you trying to say "sane" (as in has all of his mental faculties intact), or are you trying to type "McSame", but somehow missed what you were pretending to do?

She dropped out of her english as a second language class...


In My Opinion
I am curious.
The left wing cowards have constantly said of the republicans, They are for the war just so long as its not their own children going off to fight.
well, now it will be, what will they use in the future?

McCain really put a boot up osamas butt in a manner that only an old wrinkled experienced guy could.

and another point, isnt ColonelSanders an old wrinkled white guy? I bet osama wont make fun of him.