The NFL in London


Lawful neutral

The National Football League has announced a partnership with the Rugby Football Union (RFU) that will see the league play a minimum of three regular-season games at Twickenham Stadium in London over a three-year period.

“We are delighted to welcome the NFL to Twickenham, a stadium that has played such an integral role in what has been the biggest Rugby World Cup ever.” said SOPHIE GOLDSCHMIDT, the RFU’s chief commercial and marketing officer. “The NFL has a strong and growing fan base in the UK, and this, combined with the investments we’ve made in our stadium will give fans more opportunities to experience the action first-hand at a world-class venue. We look forward to working with the NFL on this partnership.”


Keep Calm and Don't Care!
I like the London stuff. And I liked the online stream deal the NFL did for the Jacksonville game at Wembley. Hope to see more of that.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Good. The TB Bucs are openly campaigning for the right to play two "home" games each year outside of Tampa. They already have the right to do it once per season. I'm all for it - that alone would save me $450.00, minimum, for my two seats and parking each year