The one acceptable way to cheat on your partner: Jana Hocking


PREMO Member
And now we’re being told that thinking a fella is hot is considered to be cheating on your partner.

Well, hand back my single badge and check me into a nunnery because I. Am. Done.

Yes, there’s a current shame file doing the rounds on social media, with people writing lists of things they consider to be micro-cheating.

These include things like maintaining contact with exes, becoming friends with people of the opposite sex who are attractive, being vague about your relationship status, flirting, sharing intimate details about your relationship with someone outside of the relationship, being touchy with someone else, and daydreaming about someone else you have a crush on.

Umm … excuse me, what? Aside from that all sounding pretty darn controlling, are we no longer allowed to enjoy life?

The simple fact is, we all micro-cheat!

Whether it’s giggling a little too long with the sexy barista, letting a guy hold your hand as you navigate a slippery sidewalk in high heels, or admiring the physic of your favorite rock star.

Unless you’re a robot, you’ve done it.

Because let’s face it, we all have eyes and an attractive person is just that – an attractive person.

Even if I’ve got a boyfriend (which sadly I do not **sob) I’m still going to say, “Phwoooar” to my work girlfriends when the office hottie walks past. Confident that it will not only get a giggle but is also completely harmless.

And you know what, I would hope my boyfriend did the same.

In fact, I’ve taken great enjoyment in checking out attractive people with my partners in the past.

A quick nudge to each other as someone who is obviously sexy walks past has created bonding experiences.

“Check out the boobs on her,” I would say to him as a buxom blonde walked past. We’d have a giggle and get on with our night.

The only people who need ridiculous lists outlining what is ‘micro-cheating’ are those among us who are insecure or have serious control issues.



Mostly settled in...
Ad Free Experience
My Mrs. told me one time that when I stop looking, she'll know it's time to bury me.
She's not worried about my appreciation for other women, as I have never strayed.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
This article conflated some things I definitely consider cheating with rather harmless things in a healthy relationship.
Maintaining connections with your exes is something that depends a LOT on the ex. When there is clearly nothing going on between them - it's long gone and they've moved on - no biggie. When it is clear that ONE of them wants back in, full stop. This HAPPENS.

And I don't have any room for either of us for obvious flirting or ogling or touching ESPECIALLY if it's in full view of your partner. It's not just insulting, it's exploring other options as a backup plan. It also doesn't set a good example if the KIDS are also watching.

And I've NEVER shared private intimate details of our relationship. There's some things you don't breach.

On the other hand, we both freely mention our daydreams or hot movie stars that we'd presumably ditch one another if they ever became available. I think every couple I've ever known, including my parents, were like this. My dad had it seriously bad for Grace Kelly (until he met her) and Julie London. My mom asked well why didn't you marry HER? He answered YOU were available. (They both laughed). We have no problem with that. When Chris Hemsworth - "Thor" - has all his clothes stripped off in a second on Mount Olympus in the latest movie - yeah, wife called her friends into the room and rewound. I don't mind that, although there's a little bristling the other way when it's someone I like.