The One Person Who Shows Just How Unhinged Global Warming Alarmism Has Become


PREMO Member
The story says Thunberg arrived at her activism on her own, first hearing about global warming at 8, then becoming depressed at 11, ostensibly because the world wasn’t responding to global warming adequately enough to suit her. But she’s no priestess ordained by the Almighty, just a vessel used to repeat global warming propaganda. She’s a human shield held up to protect the disseminators of junk science, radicals determined to take over the global economy, and an assortment of angry agitators.


Of course Thunberg, her handlers, and fanatic followers will count our commentary as an attack on her. It’s a cheap way to deflect and invalidate legitimate criticism. In fact, they’ve even dared doubters to speak. In The Guardian’s recent fawning coverage, Thunberg said “I think that as long as they go after me personally with insults and conspiracy theories then that is good. It proves that they don’t have any arguments.”

Actually, skeptics and lukewarmers, even the “deniers,” have arguments. And they are compelling.

  • To start with, the temperature record is unreliable. This blogger has it exactly rightwhen he says: “The thermometer network is made up of a patchwork of non-research quality instruments that were never made to monitor long-term temperature changes to tenths or hundredths of a degree, and the huge data voids around the world are either ignored or in-filled with fictitious data.”
  • The data used to reach the “consensus” that man’s fossil fuel habits are causing the planet to overheat have been doctored.
  • The models on which the entire edifice is built have been consistently wrong.
  • Predictions that storms would become more common and more destructive have also been wrong.
  • Those pushing the hardest for extreme measures to “fight” global warming have been hiding their true agenda, which is to dismantle and replace capitalism. Some are even suggesting that the “fight” is an opening to establish authoritarian control.
  • Earth’s climate has always changed and nothing is occurring today outside of the historical variability.
  • Carbon dioxide, a weak greenhouse gas, is one of many variables that affect climate.
  • Science does not work on “consensus,” nor is it ever “settled.”
  • Claims that 97% of scientists agree that man is causing climate change have been debunked.
  • Man’s use of fossil fuels has yielded unprecedented human progress.
We could carry on for a while longer, but we don’t want to test readers’ patience. Those who want to dig further can continue at University of Alabama-Huntsville climate scientist Roy Spencer’s global warming skepticism for dummies page and the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s policymaker’s guide to climate change.