The "one" speaks on Sharia Law...

If Sharia law gradually was imposed on your community/county

  • I would learn to live with it, its probably exaggerated how bad it is.

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • I would plan on moving out,...its not worth fighting over.

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • I would confront, protest, demonstrate & not cooperate.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Resist with "extreme prejudice."

    Votes: 7 77.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
“I think that if most Americans realized what Sharia Law really was, if they got to experience it first hand, they wouldn’t be all that opposed to it. In fact, they’d embrace it.” – Obama in 2002, in an interview with MSNBC.

*Rejecting guide dogs for disabled?
*Proscribing the right corporal punishment for wives & daughters?
*Some teachers of Sharia claim that the Nasa space achievements are all fraud...yeah, real 13th century of them.
*Face in the rug 5 times a day?
*Alcohol Banned
*Companies bullied over their food choices
*Prayer rooms must be provided in hospitals, airports, schools etc...
*Special taxes for non believers
*Non believers have very limited civil rights.

Gee obama, about you and Moochelle "MOVE" to a place you can experience it and leave Western Civilization alone?
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Well-Known Member
I have already read of the incremental application: ie Service dogs being refused in Hotels or Taxis....threats against anyone who is suspected of mocking/damaging the koran, people have been arrested for "disturbing the peace" when trying to hand out Christian tracts in Dearborn Michigan,---these isolated events will multiply as the Islamic population continues to flood in due to the state dept & loose visas. (ie Remember the thousands of Somalis who flooded into Maine & Minnesota?)...guess what: they still are not assimilating very well!
There have already been several "honor" killings in the US,...but they only make local headlines.

Creeping Sharia. The cancer cells are growing.


mama to two
I have already read of the incremental application: ie Service dogs being refused in Hotels or Taxis....threats against anyone who is suspected of mocking/damaging the koran, people have been arrested for "disturbing the peace" when trying to hand out Christian tracts in Dearborn Michigan,---these isolated events will multiply as the Islamic population continues to flood in due to the state dept & loose visas. (ie Remember the thousands of Somalis who flooded into Maine & Minnesota?)...guess what: they still are not assimilating very well!
There have already been several "honor" killings in the US,...but they only make local headlines.

Creeping Sharia. The cancer cells are growing.

I posted an article recently about religion in the US. In 20 states, the second most populated religion is Islam. The growing population
of Islamists/Muslims is something to be aware of. I do feel that many Americans believe nothing could ever happen to our way of life, and America will always remain as founded. It is wise to be vigilant; it certainly doesn't hurt to be. The word you used 'assimilating' is key, imo.


Well-Known Member
And the voices from the left demanded the mayor resign for insisting the welfare draining Somalians..."assimilate."

and lets not skip this nugget:
"Terror isn’t the only criminal pastime for some Somali immigrants. In May, a federal court convicted three Somalis involved in a sex slavery ring. They were among 29 of the Africans arrested for operating the ring, which kidnapped girls as young as 13 in Minnesota, Tennessee, and Ohio."
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Well-Known Member
And the Propaganda arm of the Progressive Socialist says...

This piece is so cheer-leadering it rates as below pathetic.
Why has there been an economic resurgence one should ask?

WELFARE, Medicaid, Head start, and every possible redistribution ploy has been soaked to create an artificial resurgence.

That "Network" they praise within the Somali the system that funnels money back to African Muslim terror cells, and helps send willing jihadis back to continue the fight. have successfully matched Pravda circa 1961.


Well-Known Member
Lets not forget what those Sharia based communities will accomodate:

With my background as a CIA spy in the Revolutionary Guards, I can attest to how the Guards successfully use mosques, Islamic cultural centers, Islamic student associations, alliances with other Islamic groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood, and Muslims from Afghani and Pakistani groups to infiltrate the West and infect its society.

The Iranian Quds Forces along with Hezbollah cells have a large presence in Latin America, especially in Venezuela, and through collaboration with drug cartels, they get into Mexico and from there into the United States.

...and Barry, secure is our border after we passed an act to secure 2000 miles?...I just read that 36 miles has been completed.