The one.


New Member
Have you ever been in a relationship when everything is right, and both of you are happy; then one day everything that was good goes to mush. The relationship that you put all of your time and emotion into is gone. Somehow the past always leaks in on present relationships. I suppose it happens that way for a reason.

Novus Collectus

New Member
cassheart said:
Have you ever been in a relationship
when everything is right, and both of you are happy; then one day everything that was good goes to mush. The relationship that you put all of your time and emotion into is gone. Somehow the past always leaks in on present relationships. I suppose it happens that way for a reason.
Sorry to hear this happen to anyone, but it can be avoided if everything from the past is explained up front. I am trying to be with this woman and in the process I have told her everything about my past....and I mean everything, even the near horrific. She has not run off yet and she honors the honesty and dismisses the past as long as the same does not reocur.
Now of course I have not been able to fully hook up with her and maybe my being honest is why, so maybe I am talking out my ass and WTF would I know about relationships?


New Member
Novus Collectus said:
Sorry to hear this happen to anyone, but it can be avoided if everything from the past is explained up front. I am trying to be with this woman and in the process I have told her everything about my past....and I mean everything, even the near horrific. She has not run off yet and she honors the honesty and dismisses the past as long as the same does not reocur.
Now of course I have not been able to fully hook up with her and maybe my being honest is why, so maybe I am talking out my ass and WTF would I know about relationships?

Maybe things should have been explained to me a little more clearly. I just didn't foresee things from the past getting in the way of his and my relationship. But what is done is done and I am all the better for it. I am single and I am enjoying every minute of it. No need to be tied down right now, especially to a man who doesn't really know what he wants.