This Space for Rent
WASHINGTON (AP) - Supreme Court nominee John Roberts didn't disclose that he once lobbied for cosmetics makers, or mention that he'd once given a TV interview about justices' independence...
"I'm convinced that even if there's not anything, there are groups out there who are going to try to make this nomination controversial even when it shouldn't be," said Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, a member of the Judiciary Committee that will question Roberts early next month...
But a trickle of omissions from Roberts' public resume have some partisans smelling blood and demanding more documents. Roberts, a U.S. appeals judge, has acknowledged that he should have told senators before he was confirmed for that job that he worked as lobbyist for the cosmetics industry in 2001.
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Cosmetics lobbying and an interview are all they got, but it is a big issue?