No need to look any further. The perfect site for a new school in the California area is located at the end of Patuxent Blvd. It is called Myrtle Point Park. There are 192 acres which isn't being used for much of anything except for the few hiking trails. It is not waterfront "friendly" and there are no recreational facilities. The county has had this property for years now and have only given lip service to the public about developing it as a park with amenities that ALL citizens would like to use, including soccer, lacrosse, baseball, picnicing, and multi-purpose fields. Of course the tree hugging groups will fight this till they're blue in the face! They've fought every effort so far to have this developed for ALL citizens. The county commissioner president recently stated on TV that the state has 430,000 acres off the tax rolls. So? St. Mary's has 192 acres off the roles and yet is still looking for land to build a school. If they aren't going to use what they have for the intended purpose, then use it for what is so desperately needed. A NEW SCHOOL!!!!