The Pledge We Can Believe In


No Use for Donk Twits
Hollywood elites can't get enough of Barack Obama. But would they promise to live by his rules?

So in that spirit we offer a pledge, the Pledge We Can Believe In, which Obama can present to all of his Hollywood admirers. Indeed, he might inscribe the Pledge We Can Believe In on all financial donor forms and on all requests for tickets to his campaign events. The time for idle chatter is over and the fierce urgency of now demands that those who support Obama and his vision for a new America take the Pledge We Can Believe In:

1. I believe that “our planet is in peril” and that immediate action to halt global warming is essential. We must be able to say to our children “this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.” I therefore pledge that I will refrain from flying on private jets and sell any jets (or shares thereof) which I may own. First-class commercial air travel is a small price to pay for the survival of the planet.

2. For reasons discussed in #1, I pledge that I will not build, buy, or lease any residence in excess of 4,000 sq. feet (5,000 sq. feet in the case of a family of four or more). No reasonable person needs more room than that and there is no justification for consuming energy needed to maintain such an edifice to Western decadence.

3. I believe that we must repair our public schools, reestablish a commitment to a first-class public education for all, and break down social and economic barriers that divide our country into haves and have-nots. I therefore will withdraw my children from private school and immediately enroll them in the public schools in my neighborhood (i.e., any of the various neighborhoods in which I have a residence. See #2)

Figure the odds on the elite taking this pledge. It's only for us 'leetle peoples'!

Pledge Continued
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New Member
Im liked the one where they wont buy a home larger than 4,000 square feet.

Many of them already own several homes larger than that.

Yes: its easy to make rules for other's to go by.


NOT Politically Correct!!
Hollywood elites can't get enough of Barack Obama. But would they promise to live by his rules?

So in that spirit we offer a pledge, the Pledge We Can Believe In, which Obama can present to all of his Hollywood admirers. Indeed, he might inscribe the Pledge We Can Believe In on all financial donor forms and on all requests for tickets to his campaign events. The time for idle chatter is over and the fierce urgency of now demands that those who support Obama and his vision for a new America take the Pledge We Can Believe In:

1. I believe that “our planet is in peril” and that immediate action to halt global warming is essential. We must be able to say to our children “this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.” I therefore pledge that I will refrain from flying on private jets and sell any jets (or shares thereof) which I may own. First-class commercial air travel is a small price to pay for the survival of the planet.

2. For reasons discussed in #1, I pledge that I will not build, buy, or lease any residence in excess of 4,000 sq. feet (5,000 sq. feet in the case of a family of four or more). No reasonable person needs more room than that and there is no justification for consuming energy needed to maintain such an edifice to Western decadence.

3. I believe that we must repair our public schools, reestablish a commitment to a first-class public education for all, and break down social and economic barriers that divide our country into haves and have-nots. I therefore will withdraw my children from private school and immediately enroll them in the public schools in my neighborhood (i.e., any of the various neighborhoods in which I have a residence. See #2)

Figure the odds on the elite taking this pledge. It's only for us 'leetle peoples'!

Pledge Continued

So what NObama is saying is if elected President, he will have a contractor remove 1 foot from his family home and Air Force One goes on the chopping block. What a loon, doesn't matter tomorrow he'll change his position and say he just miss-spoke!!! I tried looking up that word in the dictionary and couldn't find it so I penciled it in next to the word LYING!!!


No Use for Donk Twits
I'm waiting for that influx of Hollyweird elites who emigrated to France when Bush was elected and will now come back if Obama is elected. :lmao: