My momma always said "don't go borrowing trouble".

I think you are reading too much into things and I doubt you are a fortune teller. I want you to remember, Christians, since the times of Jesus, has thought they were living in the "end times". I think the whole anti-Christ thing is a non-issue anyway if you believe, right?
As for me, all I see is history repeating itself. No bogeyman. No anti-Christ. Just history repeating itself over and over again, and nobody learning from it. Isis, the deaths, the destruction, the forced conversions, is just history repeating itself. I'm not belittling this "war". It's horrible and it makes me angry and sad and a million other things. However, I see nothing other than great tragedy. When I hear folks bring up the end times of Revelation in regards to the Middle East, I think you either don't know your history, or you are wishful thinking (which is horrifying, why would anybody wish that on another?).
I'm also sad that all of history and antiquity has been lost, not just the Christian ones. Most historians agree that Iraq was the original cradle of civilization. All of humankind's history in that region that didn't make it into "private collectors" hands, has been destroyed.