The Priest and the Altar Boy


Ubi bene ibi patria
A fellow goes to confession and tells the priest, "Father, I've
had an affair with another woman."

"I see," says the priest, looking very grave. "But, I cannot grant
you absolution until you tell me who she is."

"Well, okay, Father," says the guy somewhat reluctantly. "Her name
is Pussy Green, and she's a blonde and a knockout."

The following Sunday, this gorgeous blonde makes her way down the
aisle and into the front pew. The priest takes a few good looks and
finally asks the altar boy, "Son, is that Pussy Green?"

The altar boy stoops down and peers, then says, "No, Father, I think
that's just the reflection from the stained glass windows."


New Member
nhboy said:
A fellow goes to confession and tells the priest, "Father, I've
had an affair with another woman."

"I see," says the priest, looking very grave. "But, I cannot grant
you absolution until you tell me who she is."

"Well, okay, Father," says the guy somewhat reluctantly. "Her name
is Pussy Green, and she's a blonde and a knockout."

The following Sunday, this gorgeous blonde makes her way down the
aisle and into the front pew. The priest takes a few good looks and
finally asks the altar boy, "Son, is that Pussy Green?"

The altar boy stoops down and peers, then says, "No, Father, I think
that's just the reflection from the stained glass windows."
Don't you have a bad dining experience to talk about or an opinion on politics???

ANYTHING but your jokes!! :lmao: