The problem with equity


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
I'm sure you have all heard this before:

Life isn't fair, nanny government is going to step in and give a big assist to the have nots so they can achieve the same as the industrious.

But here's the part that they all seem to ignore,

Everybody should end up in the same place!!!

Who gets to say where that place is? Should a recent college grad with 2 years of work experience expect to be at the same level financially as someone that has worked for 40 years? Will the government assist me until I reach the net worth of say Oprah or Bill Gates?

I get that a lot of this is campaign rhetoric. But the underachievers eat that stuff up. The demonize the successful to make it appear that they alone are the cause for the lousy lot in life of the downtrodden. In my life, I know more people that have worked hard to achieve some level of financial security than I know folks that were handed a huge trust fund.

It's hard to ignore this nonsense. It seems like Commiela only has about a dozen or so zingers in her campaign quiver. And she repeats them over & over & over. Honestly, November can't come fast enough.

Remember, vote early & often!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'm actually down with equity. I've always been annoyed that some have SO!!! much yet others have so little. But the people insisting on equity - I don't notice them giving up any of their wealth in order to level the playing field. All I ever see them do is take from people who are barely comfortable and line their own pockets.

Apparently Kamala wore a $62,000 necklace when she visited the border the other day. Who freaking does that? I don't have a $62,000 necklace, do you? And all her chums are filthy rich as well, with mansions and yachts and designer clothing and fancy meals at fancy restaurants and multiple high end cars. Why aren't they giving some of their wealth to poor people who are struggling? How are they contributing the equity they keep preaching?

Hollywood celebrities, same. They get on their high horse about equity when their mani/pedi bill for a year would feed and house an entire family in style. They could sell just one of their mansions and change a ton of lives. But they don't. Hell, they don't even do charity for free - they charge for being a spokesperson or appearing at a function.

That's the problem with Communism/Socialism - has ALWAYS been the problem: it sounds good on paper but in practice the elite amass all the wealth and the middle class becomes poor, while the poor starve to death. Look at any Commie country in the world and that's how it works.

And the Democrats are importing MORE poor people from foreign countries, because yeah that's exactly what we need. Oh, I know - let's send billions to that little bitch in Ukraine instead of using it for equity!

This is why I know Democrat voters are ****ing stupid. They gobble propaganda without considering it for even one second. If they had a brain in their head they'd go, "Hey....wait a minute...."


PREMO Member
That's the problem with Communism/Socialism - has ALWAYS been the problem: it sounds good on paper but in practice the elite amass all the wealth and the middle class becomes poor, while the poor starve to death. Look at any Commie country in the world and that's how it works.

The Elite Party Members have their Dacha on the Black Sea
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