The Purpose of Government?



Harrison Bergeron

Read that in highschool, I particularly liked the part about the ballet dancers having to dance with heavy weights on them.


New Member
I heard a political analyst say once that in this country, we tax those things we want less of....and we subsidize those things we want more of.....

So ask yourself this.......what are we subsidizing and what are we taxing in this country????:frown:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Thanks for the education, Jet - I wasn't even aware that such a thing as the Laffer Curve existed.

And, Maynard, I love ya baby but don't be bringin' that weak-a$$ sh*t in here. The US gives all over the world, not just domestically. When 9-11 happened, Americans gave until the coffers ran over and they had to start throwing blood away and the Red Cross got a new computer system. What other country does that for its citizens? Answer: none. They come to the US with their hat in their hands looking for assistance from us. And, PS, usually we give it!

And while I'm dressing you down, let me ask you a question:

When a country gives as much as the US does, only to have liberals say it's not enough or try to downplay it, what message does that send?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Delilah903
So ask yourself this.......what are we subsidizing and what are we taxing in this country????
My my my, De-LI-lah! What a great point!!!!! Damn! I wish I'd have thought to post that!!!!!

And thank you, Frank - I've learned a lot from some of you forum folks.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Monkey for O'neils job...


Thank you very much! Very educational!

Frank...Thanks for your point! Just don't expect MG to bother with any facts. He "knows" what he knows and thinks we are just as closed minded as he.

Krebs, you read all of Jets post? Care to take issue with any of it?

Great stuff.


Asperger's Poster Child
I would be interested in a flat tax rate, with the only deductions being the personal exemption and home mortgage interest. Looking at the complexity of the 1040 form, our current tax system twists the Laffer curve into a DNA helix.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Oh yes, a set up man!

Why, thank you Jet! Glad you asked!

Let's say you have a hypothetical political party, right? And let's say you reject certain ideas, like the Laffer curve, the Constitution, the Federalist Papers, stuff like that. Old. Irrelevent. Whatever. You like stuff like Marx and Nitsche and the Church of Bill Clinton.

Let's say you have the power, oh, through a union or something, to have these old things marginalized, de-emphasized and the like in place of modern, new, fun stuff like self esteem awareness and other feelings of tolerance (towards everything BUT them bad old ideas) in a controlled environment. Let's call this place...hmmm "School".

So, anyway, you have this "school" through which you have people who grow into having the power to vote you into or out of power.

Whatcha gonna teach them?

I think myself fairly educated BUT I didn't have one teacher who explained Laffer to me as part of my education.

I did, however, have a teacher who told us (as part of our studies) we, not the Japanese, were responsible for Pearl Harbor because we didn't do what they wanted us to do.


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by jetmonkey
I think concepts like the Laffer Curve and the Business Cycle should be taught in elementary school. I don't really remember Economics being broached at all in elem or High school. Why not? Who is keeping it from us?

I don't think Economics was even offered as a course when I was in high school. We didn't spend much time in Social Studies on geography either.


Before 9-11-01 more aid came from the US into Afganistan than from any other country. Look it up its fact.

When there is an earthquake in a country that is one of our sworn enemies who supplies most of the aid? We do, they spit on our flag and burn it in the streets and we still send them food, blankets, etc etc.


endangered species
"No, go find the stats. You know why I don't believe you? Because you are wrong, dead wrong."

If there was any chance that you would believe it, I might, but it takes time and energy, and it would be a waste here and I’m trying to write a book. We all know statistics can be interpreted different ways, so nothing I can show you would be definitive- unless we set up some parameters first, which also isn’t worth the effort because even that is subject to bias.

Besides, I haven’t even provided any data and already somebody is trying to qualify the results:

"The US gives all over the world, not just domestically. When 9-11 happened, Americans gave until the coffers ran over and they had to start throwing blood away and the Red Cross got a new computer system. What other country does that for its citizens? Answer: none. They come to the US with their hat in their hands looking for assistance from us. And, PS, usually we give it!"

So now I have to find statistics on how much blood everybody gives? And what if I were to say that say, Sweden, as a country, gives a higher % of GDP to charity than we do? That wouldn’t be good enough, would it?

"For one thing, stats from the IRS show that *middle-income* Americans give the highest percentage of their income to charity. 3/4ths of all charity comes from the top 1% - it might not bite them hard - but it's a lot of money. American charities *dwarf* the rest of the globe to the tune of around 200 billion annually, most of it from personal private donations. When it comes to time, money, energy and volunteerism, no other nations comes even CLOSE."

I never denied that wealthy people give more dollars, but poorer people give a higher percentage of their income. That should be worth something. My stats would show international charity as a % of GDP. So we can see where this is going to end up already.

"When a country gives as much as the US does, only to have liberals say it's not enough or try to downplay it, what message does that send?"

What message does it send when we take the sanctimonious attitude that we are better than everybody else? I was merely responding to Larry (?) who claimed that we were the most generous people ever.

This is the worst part about this community- twisting what others say and then attacking, and a reason why I sometimes question why I spend time in here.

I’m not saying it’s not enough, and I’m not downplaying anything- just calling somebody else on what I consider a mistaken perception. From my point of view, it’s not helpful to claim we are so good when maybe we aren’t. Do we give a lot? Yeah. Is that commendable? Of course. Do we give as much as other countries? Depends on how you want to measure it I guess.

"Krebs, you read all of Jets post? Care to take issue with any of it?"

Scanned it, didn’t read it all. Nothing to add at this time.


New Member
I want to jump into the conversation about the role of government. I didn't read all of the posts, I'm kinda in a rush so I'm gonna say some unrelated things to the convo you guys may be having.
I believe that government has a moral obligation to give all people opportunity and protection. I love the idea of college loans, a clean environment, affirmative action to help minorities, Social Security and other liberal stuff that most of you love to hate. I think that that government should create the best damn military that the World has ever seen. Government has gone great things for the lives of individual people in the past and it still can. I look to Robert Kennedy for much of my inspiration on this subject: "Disaster is our destiny unless we reinstall the toughness, the moral idealism which has guided this nation during its history. The paramount interest in oneself, for money, for material goods, for security, must be replaced by an interest in one another." RFK is such a great inspiration for me and I encourage you guys to buy a book of his quotes called "Make Gentle the Life of this World" by his son Max. It really explains the conscience of a liberal.


endangered species
I hope you had a nice vacation, dems,

but it's good to have you back. It can get brutal in here without a little help.
RFK is a great inspiration for me too. One quote of his that I have handy:

"[Gross national product] does not include the beauty of our poetry or the strength of our marriages; the intelligence of our public debate or the integrity of our public officials. It measures neither our wit not our courage; neither our wisdom nor our learning; neither our compassion nor our devotion to our country; it measures everything, in short, except that which makes life worthwhile. And it can tell us everything about America except why we are proud to be Americans."

Larry Gude

Strung Out
A quorum then!

As long as you guys are RFK types, then you have no problem with assissinating foreign leaders, right? Thus you should have no problem with getting rid of Saddam or anyone else who tics of the Prez, right?

I always thought it was neat how such pretty words came from one of the toughest and meanest Attorney Generals we've ever had. Some kind of duality you suppose?


endangered species
Yeah, no problem.

I'm sure I would agree with everything RFK ever said, even having not read most of it. I can just accept on faith that he would never have said anything I would disagree with. I'm sure everything he said is just as eloquent and beautiful, and I would support a memorial to carve all his words into stone and build a huge wall out of the stones, so we could all go read them forever. Maybe Barbra Streisand will pay for it so you don't have to.

As far as "duality", I am sure you know by now that all dems, and even all liberals for that matter, are psychotic. This is what gives us our sympathetic attitude towards those that are basically useless. We all feel that we are one tiny step away from being useless ourselves. Of course, we are so scared of antagonizing conservatives, that we usually try to hide this, (mostly unsuccessfully I'm sure), but the end result is that we can never articulate any kind of "vision' or "plan".

The other problem we have is that all liberals think exactly alike- we have a common brain, that I think currently resides in Alec Baldwin, but I think they are going to move it since the election fiasco. In any case, unlike Republicans, we are not capable of thinking for ourselves and can only repeat what Alec or his designated minions send to us.

As you can see, it's not so hard being a liberal; we don't have any personal responsibility, we want to make welfare a comfortable place to be since we might be there tomorrow, and we just want somebody to take care of us. That is why we encourage the illegal Mexicans to come here, because we know you guys won't take care of us, but we are hoping that someday they will.


New Member
I don't think that RFK supported the assassination of foreign heads of state. In fact I recall him advising his brother not to assassinate Fidel Castro because it seemed like organized crime to him. Correct me if I am wrong. Yes RFK was a tough attorney general on organized crime and communism and the such but he was still the greatest liberal of the generation. In a book that I red on him, it says that the murder of his brother caused him to pacify greatly in his positions. Anyway, I think that we all can agree that had he been president instead of Nixon, our nation would be much better.
I love that post Krebs, great sarcasm. I just think that the conservatives left the party because they looked around a convention of Democrats, saw blacks, whites, hispanics, rich and poor all getting along and it freightened them. I mean wow, there's diversity in this party? I must be unwanted. Whatever.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Correct me if I am wrong.
Consider yourself corrected. RFK was nothing more than a James Bond freak who used every trick in the book to try and kill Fidel Castro. After I give you a history lesson on "integration", I'm gonna come back here and give you an RFK refresher course.

In a book that I red on him,
Freudian slip?


Man Gary Hart never should have dropped out of the race in 1984 when he got caught.

Hmmm maybe we should get Charlie Sheen to throw his hat into politics too.


endangered species
You may be on to something there, jet

Maybe getting their rocks off helps keep them from beating their chests and whuppin' up on others to show their masculinity.

If you want a priest for president, vote for one. Except, they're not a sure thing, either, are they?

Let's see- recent presidents least likely to boink an intern:

1. Nixon- bad president, mean, ugly little man
2. Carter- nice guy, bad president
3. Bush I - dork, obvious machismo problem, bad president
4. Ronnie- great communicator, fetish for big "weapons". bad president

Now let's look at recent presidents who we're pretty sure liked ladies;

1. JFK- great president, killed by jealous, ugly men.
2. Pres. W. Clinton- great president, impeached by fellow philanderers
3. LBJ- decent president, tried to do right, threatened by Mil/Ind complex

Jerry Ford doesn't make the list because, well, who knows what his deal is, and he didn't do anything except pardon the worst presidential criminal ever anyway.

Bush II- seems virile enough. Sure has a fascination with weapons and machismo though. Still plenty of time to see which way he falls.


New Member
Originally posted by demsformd
I love that post Krebs, great sarcasm. [/B]

Ah damn Krebs, I didn't know you were being sarcastic!! I just thought one of you guys had finally had a personal awareness moment!! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Maynard, why don't you just put up a post that says all Republican Presidents are evil and all Democrats are great men?

Political vapidity bores me - I'd like to see a Democrat who can think for themselves for a change instead of just saying Republicans=BAD, Democrats=GOOD and follwing that line to the death.