The worst kept secret in Washington DC is that many Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill lambaste each other in public while being BFFs in private. They pretend to be on opposite sides of the aisle but other than the radical progressives such as "The Squad" and the America First patriots like most in the House Freedom Caucus, the majority work well together in the murky middle.
This has been the case since the dawn of this nation. It actually took a hit in recent years due in large part to the Tea Party and then the MAGA movement on the right, then the Justice Democrats and their cronies on the left. The "extreme" wings of the respective parties were gaining ground, but since the 2020 election the Uniparty Swamp has been striking back and solidifying its ranks.
The Squad has lost most of the influence they appeared to be acquiring in 2019 and 2020. MAGA patriots obviously took a major blow when the presidential election was stolen from us. Since then, with the help of a multitude of crises that have hit the United States since the Plandemic began, the RINOs and their mainstream Democrat partners have made gains, consolidated power, and are in the process of pushing the "extreme" wings of their parties out.
This has been the case since the dawn of this nation. It actually took a hit in recent years due in large part to the Tea Party and then the MAGA movement on the right, then the Justice Democrats and their cronies on the left. The "extreme" wings of the respective parties were gaining ground, but since the 2020 election the Uniparty Swamp has been striking back and solidifying its ranks.
The Squad has lost most of the influence they appeared to be acquiring in 2019 and 2020. MAGA patriots obviously took a major blow when the presidential election was stolen from us. Since then, with the help of a multitude of crises that have hit the United States since the Plandemic began, the RINOs and their mainstream Democrat partners have made gains, consolidated power, and are in the process of pushing the "extreme" wings of their parties out.
The Rapid Rise of the Uniparty Swamp and How to Stop It
America First patriots aren't just fighting the left. We're also fighting the Republican Establishment as they work with their Democrat cronies to push forward The Great Reset.