The Real Sarah Palin


24/7 Single Dad
Democrats don’t see the choice of Obammy as affirmative action, despite his thin résumé and gaping absence of foreign policy knowledge, because they expect Democrats to put an underqualified black man on the ticket. They have a tradition of nominating fun, bantamweight cheerleaders from the Midwest and then letting them learn on the job. So they crash into the globe a few times while they’re learning to drive, what’s the big deal?[/I]



It's mostly a quesiton of which seat the "OJTer" occupies at the time, isn't it?

I thought the left was all for pulling from a pool of non-insiders. Fresh ideas that aren't muddied with DC corruption. You know.... that CHANGE thing? After Biden I've come to realize BObama doesn't want change at all, except ... CHANGE his mind.


Lovin' being Texican
I thought the left was all for pulling from a pool of non-insiders. Fresh ideas that aren't muddied with DC corruption. You know.... that CHANGE thing? After Biden I've come to realize BObama doesn't want change at all, except ... CHANGE his mind.

...except, this year, the Democrats pulled from the Chicago cesspool of politics and corruption, didn't they?


I'm the Boss of Me
Cynicism and condescension.....

yep, that's what women voters are looking for....

Sarah Seltzer Sez

When I saw that John McCain had picked Sarah Palin as his running mate this morning, I was on the elliptical trainer, and my rage propelled me to the most furious workout I've had in a while.

It's always exciting to see women enter the political fray at higher levels. But a lot of feminists out there, are appalled by the cynicism and condescension inherent in this choice. It's as though the McCain camp believes our irrational she-hormones will lead us, like sheep, to pull the lever for any candidate who looks like us--even if she has a strong record, as Palin does, of standing against women's interests.

He hopes to court Hillary Clinton supporters with a woman VP who said on camera that she didn't like Hillary's "whining" about gender issues, a woman with unpopular, far-right positions on reproductive justice issues and LGBT rights. She's a woman who rides high on being a super-mom, but has an environmental record that won't le
ave the world in good shape for the next generation, her kids' generation.


I'm the Boss of Me
oops! Firing appointees because they wouldn't fire State Troopers based on her say so. .....

Reminds me of a certain Justice Department run by a certain fellow named Gonzales not too long ago...

The Alaska Legislature voted last month to investigate allegations that Palin dismissed the state's public safety commissioner after the official resisted pressure to fire a state trooper involved in a contentious divorce from Palin's sister.

The Legislature has hired a former district attorney to investigate the case and asked him to issue a report by Oct. 31, just before the Nov. 4 general election, state Senator Hollis French said in an interview.


Cynicism and condescension.....

yep, that's what women voters are looking for....

Sarah Seltzer Sez

When I saw that John McCain had picked Sarah Palin as his running mate this morning, I was on the elliptical trainer, and my rage propelled me to the most furious workout I've had in a while.

It's always exciting to see women enter the political fray at higher levels. But a lot of feminists out there, are appalled by the cynicism and condescension inherent in this choice. It's as though the McCain camp believes our irrational she-hormones will lead us, like sheep, to pull the lever for any candidate who looks like us--even if she has a strong record, as Palin does, of standing against women's interests.

He hopes to court Hillary Clinton supporters with a woman VP who said on camera that she didn't like Hillary's "whining" about gender issues, a woman with unpopular, far-right positions on reproductive justice issues and LGBT rights. She's a woman who rides high on being a super-mom, but has an environmental record that won't le
ave the world in good shape for the next generation, her kids' generation.

From the Huffingglue Post? :lmao: As if Seltzer, or any other far left feminist, had any intention of accepting any choice from McCain in the first place. Man alive Fauxrest, do the round walls answer?


Forestal, stop! Good lord! This has already been debunked about a thousand times.

I'm telling you, if you people keep this crap up you will propel John McCain right in the White House just like you did George Bush.

That makes me think Fauxrest is actually a Hillary supporter and is exactly what he wants. Hmmm... hadn't thought about that.


If anything ever looked like Affirmative Action, McCains pick is definitely it...

It's funny to watch the Republicans be exposed for the hypocrites they are.

Maureen Dowd

Americans, suspicious that the Obamas have benefited from affirmative action without being properly grateful, and skeptical that Michelle really likes “The Brady Bunch” and “The Dick Van Dyke Show,” reject the 47-year-old black contender as too uppity and untested.

Instead, they embrace 72-year-old John McCain and 44-year-old Sarah Palin, whose average age is 58, a mere two years older than the average age of the Obama-Biden ticket. Enthusiastic Republicans don’t see the choice of Palin as affirmative action, despite her thin résumé and gaping absence of foreign policy knowledge, because they expect Republicans to put an underqualified “babe,” as Rush Limbaugh calls her, on the ticket. They have a tradition of nominating fun, bantamweight cheerleaders from the West, like the previous Miss Congeniality types Dan Quayle and W., and then letting them learn on the job. So they crash into the globe a few times while they’re learning to drive, what’s the big deal?

I want to play :howdy:

but mostly it is fun to watch the hypocrisy of democrats by them wanking about "experience" when just a week ago they scoffed at their community organizer, state senator and 2 year US Senators lack of experience.


but mostly it is fun to watch the hypocrisy of democrats by them wanking about "affirmative action" when it suits them.
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Obama destroyed America
Forestal, stop! Good lord! This has already been debunked about a thousand times.

I'm telling you, if you people keep this crap up you will propel John McCain right in the White House just like you did George Bush.
Shhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! Don't tell him to stop!! Look how many times he's posted in the same thread!! He's NEVER done that! Clear indicator he's in panic mode. :jameo:

McCain biatched slapped em so hard they're still reeling! You know we have a winner when they're this offensive! :yahoo: :patriot:

An intelligent, squeaky clean, beautiful woman has the dems scrambling for...... well they haven't a clue! :killingme


New Member
hey, I thought the dems were all for negotiating. When trying to reach common ground and walk away with a mutual and benificial agreement, staring down the opponent is not a good way to go about things.

we need someone with common sense, not the ability to stare down anyone that crosses them.

and here I thought the dems wanted lasting peace.
silly me.

Can anyone imagine Obama staring down Putin.

He would be paralyzed with so many er! uhs! er! uh! it could be days before he could speak again.


New Member
From the Huffingglue Post? :lmao: As if Seltzer, or any other far left feminist, had any intention of accepting any choice from McCain in the first place. Man alive Fauxrest, do the round walls answer?

Read this part:

It's as though the McCain camp believes our irrational she-hormones will lead us, like sheep, to pull the lever for any candidate who looks like us-

Bwahahahahahhahahaha Most feminists out there would like to wish.


Read this part:

It's as though the McCain camp believes our irrational she-hormones will lead us, like sheep, to pull the lever for any candidate who looks like us-

Bwahahahahahhahahaha Most feminists out there would like to wish.

Yeah Mr. McCain you could've picked someone a tad bit more dude-ish. :smack:

Makes you wonder what hormones are leading them like sheep to BObama, with Biden on the ticket.


No Use for Donk Twits
Forestool posted the major Democrat talking points against Palin.

1. Palin's against abortion, so much so she delivered a child with Down's syndrome. Conservatives and liberals disagree on the subject. This would be brought up as an issue no matter who the candidate is.

2. Palin is willing to send our sons and daughters to Iraq die for Big Oil. The argument started out well, but lost credibility with the "BIG OIL" comment. Palin has taken on "BIG OIL" in Alaska and won. If Forestool still believes the United States went to Iraq for "BIG OIL", he's delusional. Again, the argument would be brought up as an issue no matter who the candidate is.

3. Apparently a flip-flopper regarding the "Bridge to Nowhere". I believe she acted as a politician in this case. $223 million to connect a town (whose Mayor criticized Palin) to another town of 12 folks. The other complaint came from the State House Speaker, a Republican, who supported Palin's opponent. The earmark was withdrawn but Alaska was still granted an equivalent amount of transportation money to be used at its own discretion. She did so at her discretion and stopped programs that had serious cost overruns. Again, all four candidates have flip-flopped on a position in this campaign. In this case, I believe using the taxpayers money wisely is a good action.

4. Can I imagine her staring down Putin? I don't see why not. Is this a sexist remark? She took on a corrupt establishment during her governor's campaign and won. She has negotiated with Canada and Russia over various issues related to Alaska. Is Obama meeting without preconditions a hostile leader any different than a woman executive meeting with a hostile leader?

5. If anything looked like affirmative action this is it. Name a minority person you wouldn't have said this about. I'd like to point out that Republicans have many accomplished minority members in their ranks. I believe even Forestool can think of a few. Imagine his outrage and attacks if Condolezza Rice were selected as the VP candidate.

6. Another Clinton "sniper" hunt moment? Traveling abroad doesn't give one foreign 'policy' experience. I'm well traveled and wouldn't consider myself a foreign policy expert. The number of stamps in a passport doesn't qualify as policy experience. Neither does being the spouse of an executive. Living in a foreign country as a young child doesn't give one foreign policy experience. Negotiating treaties or trade agreements does, and let the candidates explain what they have done along those lines.

7. Cynicism and condescension. That's what a 'so-called' feminist calls the selection of Palin. Palin doesn't fit their mold of a 'feminist'. A successful executive in higher office, with a traditional family outrages these women. Liberal definitions of a woman's role and conservative definitions seem surprisingly out of whack here. Palin is accomplished but doesn't hold the radical left wing views of Dowd and company. And these so-called feminists are angry she's successful? We all don't travel the same road to success. Sounds more like sour grapes to me that someone who doesn't hold to their beliefs could actually be successful.

These arguments against Palin would have been brought up against any conservative woman in that position. I'm actually surprised you didn't throw in the mix the idea that she should stay home and take care of Trig.

Debate issues, not character assassination.