The Redskins Lament...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Another season has come, with all the great promise and hope. Another season is gone, crashing and burning with a sudden-ness and completeness that sorely tests the stoutest of hearts.

It seems to take so long for a season to start. Great anticipation and eagerness for encouraging news when camp gets rolling. Clear minded attempts to reign in expectations or mute concerns, neither under or over reacting to pre season, that blessed 4 weeks of Christmas eve. And then, it's here!!!! The regular season! Where EVERY Monday is either a joy or a burden totally depending on how Sunday went. Now, we're IN it! No matter what happens, even the worst, they have a chance each week, every week, at least until mid season.

So, it starts. A close, tough game against a clearly better Houston team. We lose but, it's OK. It was a battle. It was worth watching. All the talk about RGIII, new coach Gruden, old coahc Haslett and the D, new faces, we played them tough! Not OK to lose but, hopeful.

Then, week 2 and we blast the hapless Jags but...groundhog day. Griffin is hurt yet again and, yet again, another odd Bobby Trey thing. A dark cloud has emerged BUT, we still won, going away, against a team we need to be better than, much better than in order to have playoff dreams. And we did win, big! 1-1!

Week 3...another loss BUT, again, a good fight and a close loss to one of the GOOD teams. Kirk throws over 400 yards and 3 scores. Hope! Hope we see!!! 1-2

Week 4. Can the season already be a quarter over????? Blowout loss. Reason to worry, really worry. Even a close loss would be bad but, getting stomped by a very mediocre Giants team is BAD mojo. 1-3

Week 5. The defending champs at home. Signs of hope! A good fight, had chance! Certainly not a drubbing so, maybe???? 1-4

Week 6 Not much of a contest. More like the Giants game than the Seattle game. Now, it starts to settle in. We're simply not very good. 1-5

Week 7; Titans, MUST win. We win. Barely. But, we win!........barely. 2-5

Week 8 (The halfway point already?????) At Dallas and a GREAT game!!! Hard fought all the way, guys, making plays!!!! We WIN!!!! 3-5!!! Is this IT???? The definitive moment of the season????

Wk 9 and an easy win against another lame opponent as we go to Minnesota and take care of Robert, inexplicably started after the Dallas gut check, is nothing but rust. What SHOULD have been 4-5 and a game from .500 is now a disheartening 3-6 and the first of six straight losses as the season reveals itself. This was THE game. Not to say the difference between playoffs or not but, the difference between a season to build on and wreckage. Colt HAD to start this game. No way we don't win but, the internal workings of Team S show themselves.

Wk 10 bye week and time for RGIII to sharpen up, come out blazing, healthy and rip apart another ripe melon on our schedule.

Week 11; the Lame Bucs. At home. After a bye. We get out teeth kicked in. 3-7. Now it is fading and it is ALL about finding something to build on. Again. Should have been 5-5 at this point .Could have been. But, no...

Week 12 TWELVE????? 3/4's of the season is OVER?????? Go to San Fran, put up a fight, have a chance, blah, blah, whatever, whatever. 5-5 and having something to fight for in wk 12 would have been great but, we fade, blah, blah....3-8

Week 13 at the Colts. This isn't going to be pretty. And it's not. They are polite hosts and even beg us to make a game of it. We say 'huh?' 3-9

Week 14 So, how are the Wizards doing? Is Tiger going to play welll next season? Don't we have a women's NBA team or something??? Rams come to town and make it plain; We suck and we suck because we do things like give other teams good talent and depth, like the Rams, in exchange for dreams and fantasies. The Rams take us to the proverbial wood shed and Gregggggggg asks, time and again, "How do you like me now? How about now? And now????" Just pounded. Stomped. They helped us to our feet just to knock us down again. The Trail of Tears all over again for this tribe....3-10

Week 15 At NYC, late in the season, nothing to ply for. And we play like it. 3-11 3 and freaking ELEVEN. Numerous ZERO chance games; Giants twice. Cards, Rams, Colts, Bucs...BUCS????? Good teams have a bad game. Mediocre teams have a couple, mostly against better teams. Bad teams have them against good and bad teams. 3-11????

Week 16 At Philly. It's week 3 all over again, good, hard played game and...we win...against a team that HAS to win??? A division foe???? Why now? How? WTF???? 4-11

End of the season, something to build on from last week, Dallas doesn't need it, at our field, give everyone a Christmas present, a little something warm for the LONG off season, have Robert end on a clear high note, some hope and....they just did an onside kick and out us away with ZERO concern about what might happen if it doesn't work. They just kicked sand in our face, at home and we just rolled over...dud. Thud. Nothing. Nothing. 4-12

And, just like that, it's over. Nothing to build on. Nothing but a pro bowl punter suffering a worn out foot to celebrate. Maybe Kerrigan and Robinson. Even the people who cover the team are at a total loss as, today, one of the guys on the radio, in an effort to have SOMETHING to talk about, wondered if Alfred Morris might be on the decline. Alfred Morris. Wha?????

Trent Williams gets am 'atta' boy' for gutting out his injuries to finish the season. I'm sure a lotta guys played hurt. Helu is a bright spot. Garcon is too, but, probably should be traded to a contender who needs him and is willing to give up a decent pick for him instead of another season here in purgatory. Reed is OK. Both lines have little to build on. Orakpo is long past selling and trading. Hall is done. Moss, done. Special teams is poor. Gruden compounded all the other problems with some questionable coaching and certainly leading the 'we're not all in this together' worries.

There is NOTHING to build on here. NOTHING. We could trade away Kerrigan, Garcon, Robinson, cut loose RGIII, our punter, Williams, anyone of any value, get rid of all the wastes like Orakpo and even trade down to get all the 4th, 5th and 6th round picks we can get AND have a brand new coaching staff with first time OC, DC and head coach and end NEXT season on a MUCH better note than this one is ending. There is NOTHING to be excited about for next year. If Allen stays, so what? If Gruden stays, so what? If Haslett stays, so what? if Robert stays, so what? If Haslett gets canned, so what? Robert goes? So what? New GM? So what? This team has MORE reason to be optimistic about next year if the are ALL gone AND we cut lose of everyone, just clean house, than if some or all stay. There is NOTHING to build on.

Have we hit bottom????


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
You'll hit bottom when the pathetic Bucs finish better than ya'lls next year.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Huh? Y'all beat us. Soundly. We had a better chance against Seattle. There is NO argument to be made that the Redskins are better than the Bucs.

Agreed, but their four wins double the Bucs, as we continue to invent new ways to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Our season displayed Lovie Smith's last two seasons in Chicago, and why he was fired and was not hired for a year: Very poor team prep, poor coaching decisions from the sidelines, horrible play and clock management, he doesn't know what to do with time outs, playing desperately NOT to lose rather than playing to win, etc. He gets at least one more year, though.

Come on, draft day!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Agreed, but their four wins double the Bucs, as we continue to invent new ways to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Our season displayed Lovie Smith's last two seasons in Chicago, and why he was fired and was not hired for a year: Very poor team prep, poor coaching decisions from the sidelines, horrible play and clock management, he doesn't know what to do with time outs, playing desperately NOT to lose rather than playing to win, etc. He gets at least one more year, though.

Come on, draft day!

Well, sounds like draft picks aren't gonna fix what ails you.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Well, sounds like draft picks aren't gonna fix what ails you.

It won't hurt, for sure. I say trade the #1 down and get more early picks. QB is not the biggest hole the Bucs need filled. O and D lines are a larger concern, IMHO.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It won't hurt, for sure. I say trade the #1 down and get more early picks. QB is not the biggest hole the Bucs need filled. O and D lines are a larger concern, IMHO.

Stability seems to be the key.

Pats; Belichick had been there for some time
Broncs; Fox is in year 4 I think
Seattle; Carrol is a year more than Fox
Steelers; Tomlin is there since '07 and is their 3rd coach since 1969!
Raven's; Harbaugh since '08
Packers; McCarthy '06
Panthers; Rivera 2011
Cowboys; Garrett 2010
Bengals; 2003
Colts; Arians 2012

Only two coaches there for 1 or 2 years.

Cards; Arians 2013
Lions; Caldwell, brand new

My Redskins have had 8 coaches since Snyder took over. The rest of the NFC East has had 8 coaches, total, in that time. Snyder, since 1999, has averaged 2 years per coach.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Stability seems to be the key.

Pats; Belichick had been there for some time since 2000; 15 years
Broncs; Fox is in year 4 I think
Seattle; Carrol is a year more than Fox 5 years
Steelers; Tomlin is there since '07 and is their 3rd coach since 1969! 8th year
Raven's; Harbaugh since '08 7th year
Packers; McCarthy '06 9th year
Panthers; Rivera 2011 4th year
Cowboys; Garrett 2010 5th year
Bengals; Lewis 2003 12 years
Colts; Arians 2012 3 years

Only two coaches there for 1 or 2 years.

Cards; Arians 2013
Lions; Caldwell, brand new

My Redskins have had 8 coaches since Snyder took over. The rest of the NFC East has had 8 coaches, total, in that time. Snyder, since 1999, has averaged 2 years per coach.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Big constant change is not a good thing. The Bucs have had four coaches since 2002, so just a tad better than your Skins.


Lem Putt
This team has MORE reason to be optimistic about next year if the are ALL gone AND we cut lose of everyone, just clean house, than if some or all stay. There is NOTHING to build on.

You left out the only one that really matters. Daniel Snyder. As long as he owns the team get used to this.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
This here is the problem. An environment of defeat.

OK, but, the guy is one of us. He was a fan as a kid. Lived and died with each game. He WANTS to win. He's obviously a smart guy who knows how to win in business. He's not a loser like some owners who, through the years, have never been willing to spend at the right time or seem totally disinterested as though they bought a team as a tax write off or something.

We know the problem; his skill set is in marketing and promotion. Image means a lot. Sets the tone. Go find some experts in the filed and turn them loose. As long as he gets to play with the thing.

I mean, I can't blame him. Who wouldn't want to be part of drafting, part of trades and FA signings? Lunch with your stars, be in on what the coaches are up to? But, that's the problem. Being that much a part of the goings on, is he not holding people accountable? Is he actively messing things up? The sense is that most of the deals that he is a big part of them, the Fat Albert fiasco, Dion Sanders, RGIII, that they are bad football decisions, that his buddy/buddy thing with players, all of that simply makes it impossible for anyone to succeed. When everything else has changed and you're the only constant and things are the same, at some point, you have to face that you are the problem. But, again, it's not like this is a business problem. The team makes tons of money. The team does NOT need his skill set. And, worse, now, his redemption is tied up in, more than ever, wanting to be part of making it happen.

I came to this fascinating realization the other day; Redskins fans, NFL football fans all see the same thing; the problem is leadership. No excuses get made for the guy but, it's JUST football. George W. Bush, the problem was leadership and it REALLY matters but, for him, we make every excuse in the book. It's really fascinating.

Imagine for Snyder; "Well, the press doesn't treat him fairly...his coaches let him down...the other teams oppose him...bad luck...poor was bad...beyond his control..."
Imagine for Bush; "He meant well but, he just makes bad decision after bad decision...."

How clear we see the problem is inversely proportional to how important it is. Amazing...