The Redskins off-season - 2014

Any thoughts on what the Redskins have done thus far this off-season?

And, do we want DeSean? If so, we've probably got enough cap room left to make it happen. But that would probably be the last major addition we could make, unless we did a deal with him that was cap-number-lite in the beginning and cap-number-crippling down the road a few years. For the most part we've avoided doing those types of deals this year.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Any thoughts on what the Redskins have done thus far this off-season?

And, do we want DeSean? If so, we've probably got enough cap room left to make it happen. But that would probably be the last major addition we could make, unless we did a deal with him that was cap-number-lite in the beginning and cap-number-crippling down the road a few years. For the most part we've avoided doing those types of deals this year.

Jackson got released. After a pro bowl year. Let go. For nothing. From a team that wanted Mike Vick. And not a one of his team mates seems to be unhappy about it.

That's either an enormous over reaction to the Hernandez thing or there is some serious issues out there with him. This isn't like a drug thing where you can convince yourself to take a chance on a Davis or Williams who could reasonably be expected to mature out of it. Maybe. Even a low salary loaded with incentives is still bringing a guy into the cocoon of a locker room with alleged gang issues. I see no way you bring that here.


He'll be a Redskin by midnight, huge salary and probably send some pics to Philly anyway...


Do you like apples?
Well, Jackson's a Redskin - I'm not surprised. :ohwell:
Great speed but I just don't care for his attitude and showboating. And if he does indeed have gang ties, it won't help in the locker room.

Time will tell...


Jackson got released. After a pro bowl year. Let go. For nothing. From a team that wanted Mike Vick. And not a one of his team mates seems to be unhappy about it.

That's either an enormous over reaction to the Hernandez thing or there is some serious issues out there with him. This isn't like a drug thing where you can convince yourself to take a chance on a Davis or Williams who could reasonably be expected to mature out of it. Maybe. Even a low salary loaded with incentives is still bringing a guy into the cocoon of a locker room with alleged gang issues. I see no way you bring that here.


He'll be a Redskin by midnight, huge salary and probably send some pics to Philly anyway...

Called it!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Well, Jackson's a Redskin - I'm not surprised. :ohwell:
Great speed but I just don't care for his attitude and showboating. And if he does indeed have gang ties, it won't help in the locker room.

Time will tell...

The human factor.

MAYBE the environment in DC is better for him.
MAYBE getting dumped scared him into maturity.
MAYBE he and Gruden and the Skins are a better fit for him. (there's a scary thought)

I just can't recall a player having such an outstanding season, truly excelled, and being flat out fired. It's not like they dumped him because he's a great talent playing half assed. Philly took a player in the absolute prime of his career who just had a pro bowl season, a truly excellent season, a game changing player, and just fired him, even eating salary, like 6 mil, in the process. Not traded. Not cut his pay. Just dumped.

In any event, in fantasy world where there are no outside problems, we now have two serious deep threats, Garcon as the possession guy, Reed as the monster TE and Morris should have even more room to run provided we can come up with some solid O line guys. But, that line has to go from the mobile, zone block scheme of the Shanahans to the power blocking of Gruden and the Hogs of old. O line is now THE problem on that side of the ball. They do that, the D suddenly gets better because the O should be able to hand them 24 points, minimum, a game against anyone.

Easy to see why they signed him but, man, Philly wasn't screwing around. Fired. That's got to be a concern, especially because they, we, gave him a bunch of guaranteed dough.

Something ain't right.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Maybe he slept with the owners wife, daughter, or....son. Or the thought pops in my head he might have came out gay and they won't have that on their team.

But, Mike Vick was OK???? "You can kill dogs with your bare hands but, we'll be having none of that sex stuff..."


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Cris Carter had attitude problems while he was in Philly, so they sent him to Minnesota, then he went to Canton.


But, Mike Vick was OK???? "You can kill dogs with your bare hands but, we'll be having none of that sex stuff..."

Maybe he said cheesesteaks suck or something else that doesn't go in that dump that calls itself the city of brotherly love.


Well-Known Member
Whats several million dollars to gamble on Jackson for 2 years. If he becomes a cancer in the locker room, whats a few million dollars to lose. With RG3, Garcon, Morris, Reed and now Jackson, thats alot of firepower and puts them back in the game for the NFC East title. With the Jackson signing, and the signing of a few other guys, like Hatcher, Clark and Roberts, I think they have done a decent job in this off season signing guys that will help the team. They still have the draft coming up and although they dont have a #1 pick, they have been pretty good with the #4 pick the past 2 years with Morris and Reed.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
If you are going to sign Jackson, you need a QB that doesn't overthrow the ball.

If you have Jackson, you got a guy, perhaps the fastest WR in the league, who can minimize that problem. RGIII's larger problem is the number of times he buries the thing in the sod at the receivers feet or throws behind them.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Whats several million dollars to gamble on Jackson for 2 years. If he becomes a cancer in the locker room, whats a few million dollars to lose. With RG3, Garcon, Morris, Reed and now Jackson, thats alot of firepower and puts them back in the game for the NFC East title. With the Jackson signing, and the signing of a few other guys, like Hatcher, Clark and Roberts, I think they have done a decent job in this off season signing guys that will help the team. They still have the draft coming up and although they dont have a #1 pick, they have been pretty good with the #4 pick the past 2 years with Morris and Reed.

This is the Redskins. The cost of things matters to us no more than it does to that other big team in DC; The US Gummint. There IS no gamble when it comes to money. We'll just find more.

As for actually winning, like good governance, that's not the goal. The goal, as in governance, is the appearance of trying to win while the real goal is putting on a show.

The Redskins certainly have been weak at receiver. No doubt. However, we're not a winning team, like, for example, the Patriots, set at quarterback, good on defense, solid coaching and stability, adding a Randy Moss as a finishing tough.

Look at the Seahawks. They obliterated a decent team that thought it was only a piece or two away when they got Manning. Obliterated. Look at the Ravens. 49'ers. Saint's. Any of the teams that have been good for awhile. The Pat's. Steelers. Giants.

Now, look at the teams that are knocking on the door; Falcons, Panthers, Bengals, Chargers, Packers. Throw in the Eagles who just flat out cut Jackson. The Chiefs.

What do we have in common with any of them? We do not have a proven quarterback. We're not a noted defensive power. We have zero stability and consistency in coaching with yet more turnover. We haven't been sending much of anyone to the pro bowl year after year.

Now, look at the downside. Besides a brand new head coach, we've kept a D coordinator for reasons that escape me. Our best player, period, Fletcher, is retiring and, before that, our best player the last few years, Fletcher, was in his mid 30's. No one thinks of our defense as a team capable of dealing with a Bronco's or Pat's or any other superior offense. That's not going to change because we added a fast guy at WR. Adding a past prime Ryan Clark sure isn't going to change it either. On offense, a mediocre O line that allowed a mobile QB to go down over 40 times is not in ANY conversation with the elite teams. And our special teams looks more like the special Olympics.

The really good teams have stable ownership that is willing to take time to build and make the tough choices to keep the thing going. They have good systems in place for fining good draft picks and solid FA's that fit needs. They have stability at coaching. They have premier QB's, solid O and D lines and depth on both sides at skill positions as well as solid special teams.

We are a sizzle team. Not a steak team. Can we get better? Of course. Anyone can. Especially bottom of the barrel teams that have much easier schedules after bad years. However, if we go, say, 8-8 next year or even make the playoffs somehow, then, we're facing teams that are used to the playoffs and used to playing tougher schedules because they built teams to get there. Over time. And stay there. As much as the NFL has done a good job of making sure every team has a chance the first third or even half of the season, there are still the top teams who, consistently, are there at the end, the middle teams that are knocking on the door and the cellar teams that might make the playoffs once in awhile but, lack the prerequisites to stay there.

The Pats had the structure to deal with enormous personalities. They can add a difficult guy with baggage, a Blount or whomever. Can we? Should be entertaining finding out and, after all, that's the point around here.
