The Reindeer Cyclone!


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
Posted this info as a reply to another thread. But I think this deserves its own post.

Bottom line, reindeer will surround a hunter and circle around it/him/her as a means of thwarting the hunter/predator. Really cool.


In the cyclone scene, a lone hunter (an actor playing a Viking) approaches the herd; he notches and releases an arrow. The footage that follows shows an actual herd of reindeer running in circles. As the swirling mass of bodies thunders along a circular path, an overhead camera reveals that the herd's momentum follows a spiral shape, drawing tightly toward the cyclone's "eye" at the center.

Faced with this spinning reindeer stampede, any predator — wolf, bear or human — would have a very tough time targeting and overpowering a single reindeer, making this a formidable defense strategy, according to a statement from PBS.


link: "Reindeer Cyclones Are Real, and You Definitely Don't Want to Get Caught in One"

Wanted to upload the .gif, but couldn't quite get it to work. So here's a screenshot to wet your whistle:


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