Dancing Up A Storm
Did anyone view the Senate proceedings last eve about 9:00pm?
The Senator from Utah, Orrin Hatch(R), literally TORE the liberal left Senators a NEW ONE!!
Calling the lefts' requirement to pore over Judicial Candidate Estrada's internal memos and legal briefs a "fishing expedition", and decrying the "phony" claims being made by these senators ie., Schumer, Clinton, Leahy, etc.
I can't recall seeing Sen. Hatch that upset since the Thomas hearings.
But he was last night. Several times Dem Senators would ask him to yield for a question or point of order; each time Sen. Hatch refuted their questions with data he had - which blew the Democraps right out of the water!
I thought it was riveting to see the Senator from Utah fight for the vote to approve candidate Estrada.
The Senator from Utah, Orrin Hatch(R), literally TORE the liberal left Senators a NEW ONE!!
Calling the lefts' requirement to pore over Judicial Candidate Estrada's internal memos and legal briefs a "fishing expedition", and decrying the "phony" claims being made by these senators ie., Schumer, Clinton, Leahy, etc.
I can't recall seeing Sen. Hatch that upset since the Thomas hearings.
But he was last night. Several times Dem Senators would ask him to yield for a question or point of order; each time Sen. Hatch refuted their questions with data he had - which blew the Democraps right out of the water!
I thought it was riveting to see the Senator from Utah fight for the vote to approve candidate Estrada.